2001 Miracle Yearbook
WINTER PLAY Till! lights dimmed. the ushers hurried people to their scats. and for two hours the actOB mesmerized their audicocc. 11lc 2001 winter play. Lost in Yo11kers. by Neil Simon wed comedy and tragedy. The 1940's droma looked at a family facing very difficult times. lkcausc money was scarce. the father (Gn:g Davis) had to seck work in the South, leaving hi s two teenage boys with their tynmnical gru.ndmothcr(KaticMastcrson). Forclosctoaycar. they lived in thcirgrandrnothcr' scolddispassionatc home. MichaclMinahan.whoplayedthccldcst brothcr.Jay,said,' 'l:tnlfromawondcrfullyloving family. and to step into thi s story about a household devoid of affection. I wasablcto\•icariously cxpcricnccwhatlifcmightb<:likcforsornconcfrom thattypcofsituation."l-lowcvcr.asthcplay cont inucd.thcfamilybcgantolcamthcvalueof Jove. and frigid hearts opened up 10 embrace life. Drarnaturg. \Vendi Williarnss.aidthatthework emphasized "the relationships forged and the bonds both broken and cemented between family members striving to n:co\·cr from a childhood devoid of lo\'C. In the end. the play docs not n:solvee\·erything. but thedoorisopc:nforhcalingandchangc:· Los1 in l'onken was tile second play to open in the new Student Center tllcau.:r. The cast felt that thenewtllcatercnergizedtllccrowdandallowedfor moreintcractionbctweenthcactorsandthc audicm:c. The added comfort of layout and the hcightcned visibili tymadcthc playoomc tolife Sophomore Kelly Wcnn:ellancndcd the play duringitsfinalshowing.andshesaid. "l really loved the characters of the play. Each one had his or her own foiblcsandquirksthatmadethcmvcry humorous:· Her roommate, Beth Topp. agreed. "The actingwasrivcting.andthechnmctcrskept me consmmlylaughing"Cle<~rly,thewintcrplaywasa great success. Dr. Dixon addresses tiM: student body in chapcl.(kfl) Man Olson plays thctoughguyin this eventful play (right) BrotiM:rsAnyal\dJaywerc playcdbyPhilipandSIM:ward and Michael Minahan . (aho,·c)
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