2001 Miracle Yearbook
SPRING PLAY A much anticipated event for Parents' Weekend each year, the 2001 spring musical The Pirates of Penzance entertained thousands with its combination of comedy and choruses. More than 40 members of the Cedarville University family performed in the 120-year old show held in the theater of the Stevens Student Center. The story began with blood- thirsty pirates who have a "soft spot" for all fellow orphans. On the 21 " birthday of Freder ick (Joshua Canfield), he has been con tracted with the Pirate King {Joshua Salmons) because his nurse mis- took the words "sea pilot" for "sea pirate: Unfortunately, it becomes his duty to kill all of his pirate friends. At this point in the story, Frederick meets and falls in love with Mabel (Crystal Cripe),the general's daugh- ter, who agrees to marry him de- spite his profession. His fellow pi- rates meet (and claim) the other general 's daughters, and llOt sur- prisingly, the general is not pleased with this tum of events. The general then lies to the pirates, saying he is an orphan and will be left alone without his daughters, knowing the pirates' code does not allow them to bring harm to orphans. In Act Two, the cowardly police officers receive permission from the general to attack the pi- rates, but their plan is thwarted when the pirates attack the general's house upon finding out that he lied to them . The Major-General asks to be spared in the name of the Queen, which the pirates are bound to do throughtheirpirateduty. Afterwards, the general is more than happy to allow his daughters to marry the pirates in appreciation for their spar- ing his life. Students, parents, faculty, and staff all enjoyed the comic mu- sical that ended the theater season for the year. "
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