2001 Miracle Yearbook
"Ciuephonc... duh!" This year's Fall Bible Conference speaker was James MacDona ld from Harvest Bible Church in Ill inois. Hi s down to earth personality and s illy quotes, like the one above, captured student' s attention. One student commented, " I rea ll y appreciate his en thus iasm for God's word and hi s abi lity to talk and understand at our level." MacDonald focused on the book of Jonah and his running from the Lord. He challenged the student body not to be like Jonah who tried to hide from the One who knows everything about us. Students will not like ly forget MacDona ld 's great preach ing or the night of worsh ip and confess ion. FaHBible confcr:mccspcaker James McDonald. reads from thc\Vord.(lcft) Conference worship tcamprcpan:s thc students for a time ofworshipand tcami ng .(right) JamcsMcDonaldgivcscJ<plains his thoughts and passions "~th the Student body. (above)
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