2001 Miracle Yearbook

SIUdents returned from spring break to hear key note speaker Dr. Charles Ware present messages with the theme of ' 'Growing a G reat Commission Family,'' an out· growth of the Universi ty's theme for the academic year " Rediscovering God's Plan for the Family." Dr. \X' are was presi<lem of Crossroads l}ible College in ln<lianapolis, JN,and spoke several times through- out the conference, reminding student s of Christ's commis- sion 10 His followers at His ascension in "- lan hew 28: 19- 20. T hrough his messages, Dr. Wa re saw hundre<ls of Cedarville students make per- sonal decisions for ministry and evangelism. Dr. Ware reminded the siUdents that "missions" in not limited to unknou•n tribes o r foreign countries, but that stu- dents :.dso need to remember A coup]~ of mis.l'ion.ari~ giv~ •h~ir •=imonya<<hisynr'smissionla>n· r~...,nct. (abov~) " Ch.... that a vital aspect of their minis- try is reaching the man)' people that God has placed around them in their personal lives, their own "Jerusalems." Dr. Ware reminded stu- dents of Acts 20:24, " But none of these things move me, neither count 1m\' life dear unto myself, so that 1 ~ight finish my course with joy, and the minist ry, which I have received of the Lord j esus, 10 testify the gospel and the grace of God." Dr. Ware wanted stu- dents to rcali7.e that the realit y of missions is about having an eternal perspective and faithful- ness to God's calling. Other speakers during the conference included Dr. Patrick Yates, president of Christar; Dr. \X 1 i11iam Bohhouse, a surgeon in "- laccdonia; and Drs. Harry and Jan Geben, who op- erated a health center in \~es t Africa. Dr.Ourk:$Wa...,,d~~ra<<his rnr'sspringconfcrcn«,givcsh is <hough,.onmissions.(righ<)