2001 Miracle Yearbook

\XIhcn asked about their favorite chapel speaker, Ccdan•illc Un i\•crsity students reply with consistency, " Dr. Dixon." Every academic year Dr. Dixon prepares a series of messages for the Ccdan•ille family centered on a certain theme. The theme for Dr. Dixon's chapels throughout the 2000-2001 year was " Redi scovering God's Plan for the Family." During his weekly i\ londay morning chapels, D ixon delivered messages concerning dating (a.k.a. appointments), en!,'llgemcnts, and marriage. Combining personal stories and biblical truths, Dr. Dixon led students through the process of a godly relationship, beginning with the initial stages of meeting and dating, and coming to an end with "Three Ke ys to a Grou•ing 1\larriage." Dr.Dixon alsoincluded se\•eral other aspects of marriages, such as chi ld rearing and finance ~proidmtgi ..... .:..... ofllis rnonych.pdnw:s- ~onth~family. '""'