2001 Miracle Yearbook

Memorial Day E\·ery year studentS, facuhy, and staff look foru·ard to the Memorial Day chapc.lttm r<X· ognizes those u•ho have served thei r coumry in the armed forces. Dr. Dixon st:ncs that "This is one of the best t. lcmo- rial D ay sen~cc:s in the nation," and visitors come from all over the State to have a part in this insptring service. The chapel bcb'lln with a beautiful rendition of T/x Jlar spo,g,ltd llimnrr sung by Professor Beth Po rter. se tting the patriotic tone to be carrie<] throughout the entire service. One of the most memorable Dr.Murn~y Murdoch offers historical com· 70 Chapd battles fougtu m·er the past 225 years. The video u·as complete with music appropriate for the time period, including \'\lilly Shelton's rendition of/'..., a )?ankttDoodkDam!J. After the video, Dr. Dixon had the pri,•ilege of calling to the sta!,>e all the members of the audience who had o r are cur- rend}' serving in the United States' armed forces. D uring this time, the Cedarville Unive r- sity family had the opponunity to thank all of those who had protected the freedoms of the United States. T he chapel was completed with various patriotic songs, includ- ing GM Blm Amtrira and 1\ !J CIJNntry Tisf!!1"h«. President Paul Dixon 11u<kn<bodybcfon:kadingin pr3yt:r.