2001 Miracle Yearbook

Class Chapel One Friday of every month. each class had the specialoppor- tunity tomeet together todiscuss class busincss. aswell astowor- ship God as an individua l class. Eachclasspraiscbandwouldlead a time of worship. so they could fcllowshiptogcthcr,cnjoyingthc talents represented wi thin their class. FreshmanClass Chaplain Brock Bahler said. ' 'What l 'vccnjoycd most about classchapcls thisycaristhc opportunity toshare what God has laid on my heart and to sec how the HolySpirit has used that to work in thc li vcsofmy class." class. their goalwas appropriate to thisstageintheirl ivcs. preparing tocntcrthe''rcal world." ' 'My goal for class chape ls thi s year was to help the scniors undcrstandhowcxact ly Godwantsusto liveourlivcs whe n we graduate and go out into theworld,"SeniorClassChaplain Caleb Smith said. Foro ther classes, the goal was more genera l and related to the overall growth oftheclass as students proceed through their college years . SophomorcClass Chaplai nMichael Kibbe said, "My goal forclasschapcls has been and remain to edify and encouragetheclassthrough worship, prayer, giving, and the preachingofthe Wo rdofGod." For each class, thi s chape l was a spec ial time to meet Chrisl-lennl£pi'!)'Sthc k~)boordfor~c classc~pcl.lbtkwol )os.h Rogers leads the Froh- menln "orshlplnthtathletl< cent~gm.(~l