2001 Miracle Yearbook
In Grateful Recognition of... Harand Cineyon the dayofthclrwcdding which took place in Vermon t. (Right) Since her arrkal to Cedarville in 1991, i\lrs. Cynthia Suucr-ll:cl has been an integral part of the Unive rsity family. Al though her initial reason for coming was to develop the social work program and take it through accreditation, she did much more. She was the Director of Social \X 1 ork as well as the advisor to five extra- curricular activities: Social \X 1 o rk Club, Homes for Life, Habitat for Humanity, International Student Organization, and the Greene County Domestic Violence Project ministry team. Social \X 1 ork student Stephanie Kurowicki said, "Cindy is a Social \X 1 ork professor who has truly embraced the profession. Her love for he r students and those she helps is unquescionablc.'' i\ lrs. Suttcr-Tkcl'sstudcnts recognize her greatest quality as her unselfish desire to sen·e others. " I have seen her give of herself in a sacrificial manner so many times. She lives her Christianity practically, and the love of Christ is very evident in her life," student Delton Hochstedler said. Known as goal-oriented, Mrs. Suuer-Tkel "\\ill go the extra mile in any project or re<Juest to insure that it is completed correctly. I have never known her to do something in a half-hearted manner," husband Har Tkel said. Befo re coming ro Cedarville, ~'irs. Sutter-T kel went to the Philadelphia School of the Bible to obtain a Bachelor's degree in Bible and Social W'ork. \Vhile there, she had the opponuni ty to spend he r junior year at Jerusalem University to earn some of her Bible credits. She then received her Master's degree from Temple Uni\·ersity. Mrs. Sutrer-Tkel also had additional training in the Peace Corps, working in the Republic of Palau. Family is also very imponant to ~ Irs. Suuer-Tkel. Married in 1994, she and her husband, Har Tkel, have five children. Mr. Tkel said, ' 'Thank the Lord for giving me a woman !ike her." ~~ .. ·-·.: u Ciney Strikts a pose in her red dress. (Above)
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