2001 Miracle Yearbook

Spililleaders This yea r's chcerlcading team pro vided e ne rgeti c and uplifting encouragement at all basketball games. both at home and away. While they expressed their enthusiasm for the CedarvillcUniversity'smcn'sbasketball team, their enthusiasm forGod also shined through the use of their acrobatic talent. They reflected their dedication to God ahead of anything else through their perfonnance throughout the Winter season. The Yellow Jacke t cheerleaders lostfourseniormembcrswhowercreluctant to leave. Captain Josh Knorrregretfu11y expressed that thei r departure would like the break up ofa family. "We work ha rd togctherandhavcalotoffun. Weare like one big happy family. Cheerleading has been a great experience for me." Senior Aaron Hauer echoed the same thoughts regarding the bonds that formed between all members from working together. "The camaraderie of chcer lcading is very upli fling, Ihave gained strong relationships withthcrcstofthcsquad." Senior Brian Dugan said that he had no regrets about becoming part of the the squad...Joining the chcerleading squad here at Cedarville was one of the best decisions I madethisycar. The people on the squad arc great. the work we do is fun , " i\ lhlel in and I get a grea t work out. And by the way, people who hold a different view of chccrlcading arc mi ssing out on a ton of fun... Senior Captain Jacci Ayenc also reflec ted back on how the team was able to get through some obstacles this yea r because ofthe unity of the squad and clear focus on God. ··we, as a squad, have been through a lot this year due to many injuries. We have remained focused on whatCedarvillecheerleadingisallabout: servi ng God and e ncourag ing the basketball team . Evcryonchasdonctheir part to makeitallhappen." Cheerleadi ng coach Dawn Scott, who has been with the squad every year since 1995, expre ssed her pride, admiration, and appreciation fort he squad forhaving sucha successful fifth season. "There's so much I can say about my squad thi s yea r. If! had to narrow it down to one thing it would have to be dedication to the spon. They have all given 110 percent at practices and games, and Iam very proud ofall ofthcm... Although the Ye llow Jacket cheerleaders wil lalways be a vi tal panof the Men 's basketbal l program, it is clear thatthecaliberofcommitmenttounityand a proper focus on God of the 2000-2001 I