2001 Miracle Yearbook

lnlheHive The 2001 Yellow Jad::w began the basketball season with a ro;;ter of newcomers. Ray Slagle headed up this young team start ing off his fi!'llt winter as the men 's basketba ll coach . Although their m•era\1 number of "' ins was no t too signifi cam, the players were hopeful and enthusiastic about the seasons to come. There was no place to go but up, so they would continue 10 work hard as a team and gather lll{)£C experience as players and "'ith their new coach . Dingemann proved that he could put up sotne high numbers. espec ially aft er his 20 point, 12 rebound game "ersus Wilberforce. It was flO{ a surprise 10 see freshmen in the sta rting line up this season with II new players on the roster. Coach Slagle sa id , HI wou ld ch:noctcri:e our team as very }'OUng and incxpt'ricnced. yet fu irl )' ta lented.~ Dave Krage! summed up the season by Mying, "We're a \'Cry young team. and though we had a lot of learning w do throughout the season, I think we accomplished our m:1in te:un ~;oa\. honor God in everyt h ing we did " D~•'ld O.ngm;Lt112kn n IQ I~ hok. (ngh t) .. Athletics (sated left-co-rigbl) BnDckJD Wolf, Joel Sbepbc:nl. O.vid. Knael. Cur1 Fleck, D1vid J>iD&emln,JUiliDDuncm.Jolb Ouc,ChldFUa.(SIIndiD&kft to riJht) Assistlllt eo.clr. ... Etcepp,Stuckat·Manlf,a"Mike JC.ibbe, Milte Hu111t, Ryu Newsome. Robb Bart, Bany Chomb<rlm.--· Bf'ld Korm11h, Bna do11 Hoffmm. ORa Ouilef, o.ea Louckll. Head Coac:b Ray Slqk.(PitolobyScoftLIIId'J