2001 Miracle Yearbook

Pitching in The Lady Jackets, host of the 2001 NCCAA Midwest Regional. finished an impressive overall an•rageof.464. Thcncw sof\ballcomplcxopcned justintimeforthcirscasontobegin.andall thegirls' hard work definitely paid off. The softba ll team weleoma! back a solid team of players that had hoped to build upon til<' momentum they had established the ~iousspring.Coach Carpcntcrsaid,'' l thinkour defcnsewassolidde$pitcbcingyounginaroupleof key positions. Offcnsi,·c:ly.wcwcrcrnoreversatilc andconfidentatthc:platc. Thisycarwasastc-pinthc: rightdim:tion and wc'l\' amtious to 5e(: what happens ne;o;tycar: The key renaming player "'IS senior Megan Peterson. Peterson " 'IS named an NCCAA All- .. Sarah Bishop. Elissa Morrison. and Beth Wcavcrwerealsoseniorswhon:tumcdtotheprogram for their fourth year. Bishop was a C(Kaptain with Petersonandstartedintheoutfieldinall 36games. Morrisonplayedatsecondbaseanddisplayede)lcellent defense. Both players wen: NAIA and NCCAA All- American Scholar-Athletes. Four returning sophomores brought back their valuable experience and talents to the: team including Abby Stafford. Denaye Hilty. Sa111h Tscrmenges.andJulic Bun. The freshman class also oontributed to the program. These girls ioclude Tana Adams. catcher Courtney Grttr~. shortstopAshleySmith.aswcllasAnnieStafTordand Christa Stanford.