2001 Miracle Yearbook
Run UkelheWind The ath letes on this year's team were truly experienced veterans and part of a successful men' s program for the 2001 season. Coach Paul Orchard said. "Our ta lent was s imilar to last year. but we were more experienced. The men were strong from the middle distances on up. We were more competitive as we got sol id cffons in the other events... Senior Cliff Reynolds, was a NA IA All- American in the indoor 600-mctcrs and the outdoor 400-mctcr hurdles. He also received the NCCAA 's Wheeler Reci pient award, the AMC Outstanding Pcrfonncr. and NA IA and NCCAA All America Scho lar-Athlete, as well as being tabbed Cedarvi lle 's Male Athlete of the Year. Eddie Nchus was among the nat ion's best in the 800-mctcrs. He is a three time NA IA All-American in the event. Andy Paugh. who special ized in the high jump, was the defending AMC high jump champion. The University hosted the NCCAA Nationa ls for the first timein27 years. They also competed in s ix other meets on the road and were a pan ofthree NCAA Division l competitions. With many hopeful young runners, the team looks like it will cont inue to be successful in many events for the years to come. (froou row 1-1o- r) Ma!!Koufinan. Ken Loeoch~r. T•m MorTio..y. Min h 1/u!T...-.Andy llayn. J.....,Gray. ~~~:~~~::~e:::u~ ~~~L~~~~:~;:;:; ncn :uMpushes hisw1y Mod. On:w Ncb.on. , ...,,., Gab<T. to thc finishlinc.(abovc) "-11" Smuh. Mau lhck~tell. Alan lloud<o.SrlKimt·M...aJI<"I"S!C'"c"-• crt. (back row) AU11tant C....:h Mickey lluoko. A111111n1 Coach lontbtyMuchoii.CariTraub.Jocly Fo... Juston WlluW".tt.Andyl'ai&Jl. ~:~~~cr:: ":"~'"''~\~ ike
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