2002 Miracle Yearbook
Dr. Ware informs the student body with lectures about Open Theism vs. Theol- ogy. Dr. Ware shakes hands with Dr. Miller, who had given him an introduction before his lecture series. STALEY LECTURE The Staley Distinguished Christian Scholar Lecture Program, sponsored by the Thomas F. Staley Foundation, brought Dr. Bruce Ware to the University campus for the annual lecture. Dr. Ware,a graduate of Whitworth College, Western Conservative Baptist Seminary, the University ofWashington,and Fuller Theological Seminary, was a professor ofChristian theology at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. As well as teaching, Dr. Ware was also the Associate Dean ofthe School ofTheology and Associate Dean ofthe Theology and Tradition Division. Dr. Ware's lectureship series titled his lectures"My Glory Will Not Give to Another: The God ofOpen Theism vs. the God ofthe Bible." Tuesday's chapel,"A God Who Guesses and Makes Mistakes? Open Theism's View of God," was a general overview Justin Geer spends time talking with Dr. Ware. stating how open theists view God when He seemed to "change His mind"in the Bible. Wednesday's lecture,"What's Wrong with This Picture? Open Theism's Denial of Exhaustive Divine Foreknowledge," and Thursday's lecture,"What's Wrong with This Picture? Open Theism's Doctrine ofa God Who Risks," developed the ideas ofthe first day ofthe lecture. Besides the lectureship, Dr. Ware also spoke in various Bible classes and in fellowship on Wednesday evening about Biblical Personhood,another area in which he is well known for his work. Senior English major Gina I Band said,"I found Dr.Ware to be very informative on the topic of Open Theism. He brought forth some good points about that philosophy I had never thought of before." Chapel 153
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