2002 Miracle Yearbook

New FACULTY The New Faculty chapel allowed students to become familiar with new faces seen in the front ofclassrooms. The hour began with bagpipes and a processional ofthe new faculty. The Sharps, both in the Nursing Department,shared their story with students to begin chapel, speaking on the theme,"Although we are many,we are one. A professor from the Engineering Department surprised students when he rode in on his unicycle. He shared a few words while juggling in order to reflect the idea that all ofthe students and faculty ofthe University have to "juggle responsibilities." The chapel continued with remarks and a video from various professors. Rebecca Reich said, "Since I usually only get to see the Math and Science professors, it was good to see other professors and hear some oftheir beliefs, talents, and thoughts." Another special chapel for the year was StaffChapel. "This is a staffthat serves GOD and serves us," introduced this chapel, involving almost 340 staff members who work at Cedarville University. The chapel began with their chosen theme,"We have chosen to come to you with a message of hope,as fellow believers we know beyond doubt our hope is in Christ...Christ is the hope in all of our lives." In a reader's theater style, several staff members told the story ofa 1990 alumnus,who took the opportunity after September 11 to become a "Jesus Freak" to rescue workers. This was followed by the message "Share the Hope"from Mark Irving, Director of Discipleship Ministries. He said, "Through chaos in our world we have a rock, a solid foundation," and we should share that with other people. 154 Chapel The Sharps,a new couple in the Nursing Department, interject humor into the story of their Scottish background. Some of the new faculty make students wonder why they are teaching and not in the circus! The new music professor shares his bagpipe talent to an interested audience.