2002 Miracle Yearbook

FrnYICt,Hrcnt 120,230 Frederick.JcS\e 74.X(, hedcnck,011 1 Luke 250 Fn:cmnn. C'hristo1 .,hcr 69. 87.230 hccman. T.J. 78 1-rccman,1homas 20 I frecsc,Kathy lh7 Frec?C.Michael 250 l'rcnch,Adom 215 Frey. Or Oamn 172 Frey. Rachel I l'i.250 Frey, Steven 129,215 Friend.Krism 215 Fncs. Tri,1nn 116. 129. 215 rnescn,Melissa 230 Frohmbcrg.Sarah 12X,230 F'rowncr. Crystal 250 Fry.Knue A 251 rryc.tlhon "' F11J><l11gc.llcn 17'1 fuller. Ney<o 215 Fuh1.,Susan 74,201 Fun1ik.Lynne 170.171 rurle,, Emily S2. 201 Fnrlong,Aubrey 88,215 Fuloran,!Jen 230 G (;:uni!!.,�ICJ)htn R. 2S1 Galbre,llh, Joellen 230 Gnlchousc.Andcca 84 Gallagher.Dr Dave 172 Gollughcr.JonMhan 216 Gollnghcr.Ko1hy 180 (i,1llaghcr. Monica 230 ()nllnugl,cr,A,htcc 73,l1� Gnllo.Lourie A. 251 Gang,,Lev, 251 Gonong. Jef f 251 Ganong.Rachel 94,201 Gnpm,ki, Rebecca 11o.251. 278 Gardner. William 2J() Onrreu.Andrew 216 ()orrc11, Mollhe" 69,120,251. 281 Gs,ior,,w1tki. Jc,"'ic 39 Gast,Jo,h 4R Gothany. Paul 18.1 Gnycr,r.nuly 91.117. 118. 230. 239. 287 (jay111er, Anne <,9. 20I (ioyn,er. Sarah 73,74,251 (jbur,Meredith 2SI Gelx:n. Ann• 216 ()cdnc).David 1111.2SI Geer, Justin JI,,I2S. 127, I53. 2S I Gehret,Kevin 47, 201 Cichring,Allen 117.230 Geisel. Kirsten �8. 216 Gci,cr.Tracy 73.201 Ge&S,ter, l!m,hc Y4.216 Cicnes,. Deanna 216 A flower and :t photo ofsl:iin American journalist Daniel Pearl is placed at the fromdoor ofStanford UniverbiryMemorial Chapel duringa memorial scrivce for Pearl on the Smnford, Calif., campus, Mo n day, Feb. 25, 2002. Pearl was a scudem at Scanford in the mid-1980s.President Bush s:iid che United Scares is "interested i11 dealing with" the Islamic extremist implicated in che slaying of Pearl, bur expressed confidence: Monday chat Pakistan is doing enough to round up Pearl's killers. Ciia.ncttino.Anthony qo (iibb. "'"""" 202 Gibble,Matt 87,216 Gibb,.K11'$tcn 175 (;1bhs. Lew 174. 175 (hhbs.Silos 77 G,bson,S11rah 202 G1dd111gs. Daniel 52,202 Gidley. Angela 119. 230 Gifford.Znch 202 Gilben,Ally,on 73.216 Gilbert.Nathaniel 84,'>9. 2� I Gillillco,Ross 84.216 Ciillcn,,·:ucr. Andre a 216 Gi11e11. Stephanie R. 251 Gilmore,t,r,c 216 Gilmour,T1111 122. 123. 12k. 230 Girouard,Shnmn KS,121. 202 Gi,h.Mauhcw 202 Gica.son. Kn,11 183 Gledhill. Knstyn 125,127.216 (,!cu. John 116 Gl11chowsk1.Michahm1 S9.231 Gochenaur,Abbey 216 Godwin.Joseph 12 Goheen,Won 12R. 231 Goldsby. Kelley XO.202 Goldston.Nath;,n 251 Gowdy,l!lizabcth 231 Go,\er. David 12 t.owmg,Crystal 231 Grace, r,ffnny 231 Gmff. Nick 202 Graham. David 12 Graham,Jonna 23 I Graham.Snrnh 25 I Gmtion, Jennifer 118,125.252 Gray.Jacl 123. 21fl Grny.Ja.,011 40,252 Grebner,Anthony E. 252 Gr.,."'CO. Mc11'St'I 231 Green. Counnoy 54.55 Green,liarold I�2 Green, Karen 125.202 Green, Mnrgnrcl I82 Green,Mn11 36. 37,202. 277 Green,Raymond 69,127,I5I, 252 G,ccnc.Andrew 202 Greene. S:imh 73. 74,252 Grecnin3. Andrea 125. 231 Greenwood,Jon 183 Greenwood,Paige 216 Greer.Dr. C'l:1rk Il>S Greer.Gcorgm 180 Grectham,Forest S2.216 Gregory. Amy 62.2S2 Grcgt>ry,Richard 231 Iln lulko. Caleb �5.2JI llamh<ch,Hetd1 252 llamilton. Greg 122.216 llam,hon. Kevin 116 flam,hon.Kristen M. 25:t Ilam1lton,Rachel 202.231 llam,11on,T11no1hy 121.202 IIBnlihon,Trcn1on 19.6Q,118.129.252. 2k4 Ho.mhn, U1nbc1h 216 Hnmrnood,Oonn1c 90,127.216 Ilammond,D<,ug 202 llomrick,Er111 118. 126.127,202 Hnnt:ock. Amanda 253. 28S llnncock,David 87 ll•ndley. Aaron 82, lJI llandlcy. Justin 21(, ltonkinson,Daniel J. 253 lfl'lnna,Shoun 121, 122.202 llayw,,od,Rcheknh 253 11:.ven,Mnrinus 16.K !leadings.Kelley 119 llcodlec. JAs<>n 117,231 llcckcr,Amanda 124 Hedger.Nathan 69,216 Hedge,.,Coro 231 Hcffield.Rochel 253 Herner.�fan:rc 216 Hegna, Dr llurwood 173 llcidcn, J.C. 120,216 (leidenre1ch. Je1ufer A 253 llc,rnonn,Carne 119. 231 Ifemscn. 1\. Je�'ie 231 Heinz, Luke ! 16 Heldreth.Stephanie 216 llclmick,Dr Larry I7l llelnuck. Janine 202 llcndrick<. Leah 119.231 llcnkcr,Adam 69,253 Ilenn1g. Chr1s:10 1 >hcr 231 llenn111g.Dr. Nelson 124.I69 llcnmng. Enka 217 llenry.Justin 116 11en<lcy. Jennifer 93.217 Hcnwoud,Cory 11(, llemld.Tyson 125. 188. 217,225 llcrd,Amanda 118.122. 231 Ilerdzrk,Koria 202 llermnn.Chnsty g4,123. 125.231 llcrrnan.Lisa 11,123.202 llcrnrnnn.Trnvo< 119.12S,231 llcrn11z. llonnah 202 llerrcld,Ben 60 llcrring.Mauhcw 231 liming. Rachel 85,203 llcrshey. Sharon R8, 217 lleriler,Meredith 92,203 llestop. Mary 203 llew,11,Corol-Dcth 76 llcwllt,Tun 178 llokuf. llr<>n«>n 128, 254, 274 llollond. Jason 117. 120,254 Holland,Mchs.�o 44 lloll•ndcr,Alli,on 217 Ilollmgcr. Oav,d 254 llolhngshcad,S1cphome 59. 217 llollin�. A111y 203 llollow,y,Karen 118.254 llolm,Corn 232,233 Ilolmc'i. Ja,on 86 llolt,Michael 165 Ilol1mann, laura K. 2S. t Ilol1rn11nn,Tim 11R llooher,Aaron 232.233 Ifood. Jona1lu111 k6.217 lloodwrnk,D.ivid 126 llook. !)an., 81,,123.217 lloo�er,Amanda Von 210 llop. Steven 203 Ilopkins.Eileen 75.82. 217 Ilopk111,.Kurt 51 llopk111s.Stepban,c 217 Homhack. Jesse 116,122. 232. 233 llonon. Bryan 82. 217 lloslms.Noel 203 llostctlcr,Chri,ten I U,. 254 Houk.Joshuo 116 llourani. Lam 232.233 lloward.Jason •18,•t9.120. 217 lloword.Mel111da 170 liowder,Scoll 171, llowdy,hcll.Micah 179 llo\.\C!,Aulumn 47,217 I!<,we,Julianne 112.127.203 llowe. Kam 117,217 Howell.Andrea 85,217,2S7 !lowland. Melissa 82. 203 llubcr.Dav,d 232. 233 Iluck,ScOlt 183 lludson. Jeremy 26.89. 254 (;ensel.Andr<a 88. I I�. 251 Gentry,An�du 92.20I George,Adnm 20 I Geppclt,Josh (,8,23() Gerber. D,na 251 <lerbcr. Jennifer 43,251 Goldston,Rnchel 84. 216 Gollmcr,Dr. Steven 173 Gombis.l.cah Goodenough.Andy 40.56.202 Goodnch. Jclsica 202 Goodwin,Mike 89 Griffith.Amy 252 Gngorenko. Andre� 43,5Q,231 Grimm.Chris 52,53 Grimm. ShAnnon 75. 121. 124.252 Grimme. Sarah 118. 231 Ilansell. M:1rgucn1c 202 llansell.Tnnothy 168 llanscn,Lisa 92.202 Ilanscn.Shelley 86. 231 Jim Shea of the Uniced Scates srans his first run durin � the men's skeleton final ar che 2002 Salt Lake City Winier Olympics in Park Cicy. Utah, Wednesday, Feb.20.2002. vemer.Jusun 40. 56.251 Go1thnrdt.t .cc J. 251 Gerher. Kyle 125,2.10 Gouwn1!'. D1t11mc I71 C;heen.Tam, 51.201 Gough,Ruthnnnc 74.202 Accor Ray Romano holds his award for favorite male rclevi�ion performer during rhe 28th annual People's Choice Awards show in Pasadena , Calif., Sunday, Jan. 13,2002. Romano shared che award wich Kelsey Grammer of"Frasier." 292 Closing <Jrimme,W1llmm 202 Crisco.Nicholas 89.252 Groff. Timu1hy K<i. 117.120,231 Gross. Dav,d 252 <lro<s, Rcbecc• 77.216 Grosskopf. Sara 90. 127.202 Grossman. Carla 252 Grossman. Miriam 123. 12S.21b Groth.John 116. 252 Grove. Megan 2)1 Groves.Shawn 146 Gruber. Or Steve 168 Gruber,Sara 2H, Oucc, Mangrncc 122,216 (iuenin,Roy 12 Cimlcr,CJrcg 48 Gumprcch� Cheryl J. 252 Guntry. Angie 90 Guptill,i\amic 121. 252 Guy. Amanda 76.216 Gv.,h.chiabeth 79,202 (iyunk,Alc,:,mdria 216 H llaas,Benjamin 70.121.123. 202 lloeker.Beth 125 llockcr. Eliwbeth 216 Ilagne. Joseph 126 Hague,Caleb 121 llag11e.Mary Bclh 126 ll11hlko,Caleb 129 11am,Kimberly 252 !lake.Jenn,fer 202 llale,Jennifer 216 llall,!leather 252 Hall.Jos 71 llalloday.Ben Jonun 202 llalleland,Rochel 231 llal<m11h,Debra J 176 llolsmuh. Jcs,ica D 252 llalsmuh. Mr Morley 11 llan,on,Nicole 216 llarbaugh.Mcg•nn 59.69,125. 202 Ii_nrbi<on.Kimberly 74.253 llnnng. Kmu 84, 202 llarkleroad.Dan 202 llnrlan,Amy 202 llarncr. Snndrn 165 Ilarrcld,Bcnjnmm 231 lloms.Amy Jo 2JI llorris. Diana 90.12Q,211 !lams. Joel 216 llarri,on,Amy 119.129,231 Hamson,Kelly 216 Hamson,Marilyn 231 llnrshbarger. Amy 216 llan,Oen 202 llort.Mareee 84.202 IInn. Rebecca 122.231 lfonman, Came 44,45.62.216 Hartman, Eli1.abeth 202 llnrtsell. Brian 71,231 Hnrvcl.Jason 253 llman.Yoscf 47. 90. 129,202 Ha<ty,Don 120. 231 Hotton. Christ0pher J. 253 llaug. Mory Beth 77 Haug, Mary E 253 llouse,Megan 87, 128.129. 25:l Hauswald. Ros., 202 Ilavcrlock.Victoria 119,2)I llawkuis.I· 13 IlawkiM,Jaime Q2 Hoy,Nathan RI,2If• Haye,,. Andrc,v 40,41. 56. 87.231 Hayes.Kathryn 117,216,253 llayes.Mark 116 llnyncs. John 12 llayncs,l.cah 59 Haynes,Robby 202 Haynes. Sarah 202 lloywnrd,Sondru 173 llickcy,Lucinda 217 llickcy.Rhiannn 83.203 11ieks.Charles 253 lhe�1and,Jodi 2SJ Ili�h. Steve 80 Ihglcy.Enn 203 llilbish,Julio 2J I Ihll,flnnn 253 Ifill,Jcss,ca 253.287 1h11.Michael HI llill. Nathan 8(1,217 Ihllcr,Emily 217 llilhkcr,Andrea 44 lhl1hcr,Kristen 82.253 llilty.D<:noyc 55,83 llilty. Jeremy 56.253 11,me. Jcnmfcr 83.217 H,me.Joel 129. 253 llunes.Jennifer 92.217 llobbs. Matt t95 llocevor,Mory 59.217 lloch•1actter. Bethany 74,203 lloch,raeucr,Peter 231 Hockenberry. Lisa 39. 2S1 !lodge. tthnn 73,124, 254 !lodge.K1111 232. 233 llodkmson.Amber 80. �6. 88.2S4 lfocckc. Dov1d IRl Hofen,Kathryn F 11H. 121. 254 Hon: Kyle 201 lloffcd111,Dr. David 165 lloffm11n,Andrew D 254 Hoffman.Brandon 125,128 lloffn10n,Nothon 232, 233 lloffmon.Rcbckoh 123 llofmann. Mauhc"' 89.109,254 llofncr,Aaron 203 llofstcttcr.Chad 232. 233 llt>hcrl/. foson 118. 232. 233 llohman. Andrew 254 llokt.Snrnh 232,23J lludwn,Kote 146 !luff,Deboroh I. 254 !luff.George £. 169 !luff. Linda 217 lluffmnn,Jn,n,e 51.217 lluff111en.M1cuh 123. 217 Iluffrnan.Rebekah 86,254 Jluggard.llannah J 254 Hughen,Justin 70. 254 Ilughes. Amber 119,�7 llughes.Grc� 52 Ilu11.1ngo,Knuc Joy 203 llult,Ko1y 121. 126,232,2H llummel. Jennifer 122,203 Ilummi1,�ch. Jacob 82.217 tluntm1r1..sch,Laur., A. 254 llunsbergcr,Jonathon 91,127. 232. 233 llunt,Jc,,,aa 212,233 llunt,Le1&'1 IRO lluntcr.Alia 117,232.233 1luntcr,Alisha 98,232,233 llurlhul. Bret 203 llusband,Ryan 6'1,217 lluskey, He.ih 121. 254 !luster.Bnan 79,232.233 lluteheson.Candice 78.203 llutchins.Somucl 52,232,233. 239 llutctu,on,Dr. rhomns 165 Hynes. Jo<hun 232.2.13 llyncs.Kmtma 129,217,287 Ice. DameI 47. 217 Iden,Abb1gail 59,K7,122. 232. 233 Ingersoll,Jcn111frr 79,254 lngmrn,Cassandm 203 lppohh.Ju<tm 90.217