2002 Miracle Yearbook
ez7Na Former Taliban fighters sit inside a cell at a jail complex in Shebargan, northern Afghanistan, Sunday, Dec. 9, 2001, after they surrendered to the northern alliance following their defeatin Kunduz,northern Afghanistan.One-third of them are suspected to be members of al-Qaida. Ruegg.Adrienne 75,85,207 Ruff,Ryan 83,236 Ruffin,Courtney 51,207 Ruh!man,Michelle 39,81,263, 275 Rulapaugh,Katie 43,59,236 Russell,Kate 236 Russell, Micah 120,236 Ruth,Kent 56,236 Rutrough,Leigh Ann 207 Ryan,Christopher 208 Ryan,Scott 31,222 • Saab,Rachel 129 Sabine, Nichole 84,222 Sagraves,Erin 208 Salmon,Amy 90,124,222 Salmons,Joshua 100 Salmons,Pamela 74,208 Salyers, Courtney 263 Sampson,David 222 Sampson,Robert 263 Sanborn,Abigail 87,236 Sanbom,Joshua 208 Sanders,Sarah 74, 119,222 Sanderson,Greg 264 Sandlund,Stephen 84,208 Sando,Kristin 19,188,222,225 Sandrof,Jason 208 SanGregory,Dr. Sam 173 Sartori, Rebekah 208 Sarver, Jessica 222 Sastic,Tim 52 Satterthwaite,Stephen 73,208 Settler, Aaron 128,287 Saturley,Benjamin 52:53,82,117, 264 Saul,Francis W. 264 Savage,Kurt 36,264 Scadding,John 237 Scadding,Leslie 93,264 Schaeffer, Carrie 121,208 Schafer, Grayden 74, 125,264 Schaffer, Kimberly 264 Schanely, Adele 81, 123,222 Scharnberg, Lorne 13 Schauer, Katherine 43,59,208 Scheerschmidt, Melanie 183 Schetter, Dan 51 Schley°,Dana 89,264 Schierloh,Timothy 87,237 Schildroth,Brian 92,99, 193,237, 239 Schlappi,Nick 120,264 Schlicher,Jesse 208 Schmidt,Andrew 125, 137, 264 Schmidt,Jessica R. 264 Schmidt,Rebecca 90,264 Schmoyer,Tiffany 208 Schmuck,Megan 208 Sehnake,Caleb 73,264 Schneider,Joseph 83,86, 116. 123,124,208 Schnittger, Lydia 237 Schoen,Denise 208 Schoonover, Rebecca 237 Schriemer,Kate 72, 118,264 Schriemer,Kelly 78,222 Schroeder, Eric 222 Schroeder, Lisa 119,237 Schroeder, Matthew 237 Schryer,Patricia J. 51,264 Schuh,Rachel 237 Schultz,Nathan 94,222 Schumacher,Brent 90, 118,222 Schumacher, Robert 173 Schut,Christina 119,237 Schutter,Jon 77, 129,208 Schutter,Kristi 77, 129,264 Schwab,Gregory 74,208 Schwierking, Wes'237 Scott, Amber 121,264 Scott,Brett W. 264 Scott, Dawn 175 Scott,Sarah 222 Seabra,Tesha 122,264 Seace,Holly 69,75, 122,208 Seace,Kristina 81,90. 127 Seachrist,Beth 85,237 Sears, Bethany 118, 128, 208,287 Secor,Bethany 73,208 Seeloff, Erin 78,222 Sellars,Krystal 74 Sellers, Teresa 264 Selvey,Daniel 208 Semer,Haley 208 Senseney,LeeAnn 93,237 Seo,Samuel 122,208 Seymour,Christopher 237 Shackelford, Lauren 208 Shadle,Eric 222 Shamblin,Leslie 89,208 Shank,Katie 237 Shank,Merilee 167, 177 Sharp,Dr. David 173 Sharp,Dr. Kimberly 173 Sharp,Ryan 87,265 Sharp,Sarah 90, 129,237 Sharp,Stephen 208 Shaver,Rachel 121, 125, 126, 222 Shaw,Jennifer 165 Shaw,Rachel 72,208 Shcolnik,Stacey 265 Sheldon,Kern 222 Sheldon,Lisa 237 Sheldon,Tammi 119, 125,265 Shellenbarger, Daniel 116,222 Shellenbarger, Rachel 70,222 Shelton,Willy 98,265 Sheppard,John-Mark 76,90, 123, 208 Sherwood,Jenni 208 Shev,Nathan 99 Shiffiett,Charlie 265 Shirnett,Krista 208 Shimer,Beth 94,208 Shirk,Dan 181 Short,Erika 208 Shorn,Celia 90,129, 237 Shortt, Dr. Jeffrey 173 Shont,Elizabeth 43, 59,208 Shuff, Angela 119, 222 Shuman,Matthew 36, 237 Shupe,Cheryl 183 Shustack,Joy 78,265 Siddall,Allison 87,237 Siemer,Jason 89 Silvius,Dr.John 173 Simmons,Bethany 237 Simmons,John 117, 126,208 Simmons,Miranda 222 Simon,Tom 64 Simpson,Lisa 125,265 Sims,Dr. Kevin 169 Sims,Elizabeth 208 Sims,Leanne 208 Sinzinger, Nicole 265 Sipes,Jordan 222 Sisco,Kevin 222 Skaggs,Sara 80,85,208 Skelton,Jennifer 94, 125,222 Skidmore,Jason 208 Skidmore,Matthew 116,237 Skiles,0.3. 52,222 Skillings,David 208 Skurdal,Benjamin 128,26:, Slabaugh, Melanie 237 Slade,Rachel 222 Slagle, Amanda 73,222 Slagle,Jodi 98 Slagle, Matis 181 Slagle,Ray 48,167 Slone,Isaac 222 Slone,Tammy 177 Slotterback,Steve 208 Slasher,Mike 208 Smith,Andrew 122,124, 126 Smith,Andrew P. 127,260 Smith,Andrew W. 86,222 Smith,Andy 76,120 Smith,Ashley 51,55 Smith,Benjamin 183 Smith,Bill 13 Smith,Carissa 79,89,119,237 Smith,David W. 265 Smith,Dr.Galen 169 Smith,Erin 129,265 Smith,Jamie A. 265 Smith,Jason 129,265 Smith,Jennifer 39,83,208 Smith,Jeremy 265 Smith,Josh 52,125 Smith,Marisa 123,265 Smith,Matthew 74,128,237 Smith,Matthew L. 68 Smith,Matthew P. 237 Smith,Meagan L. 265 Smith,Megan 82,124 Smith,Michelle 122,222 Smith,Nathaniel 209 Smith,Patrick 125 Nelly 1 urtado performs during the 44th annualGrammy Awards,Wednesday,Feb. 27,2002,in Los Smith,Shawna 78,223 Smith,Sherri 13 Smith,Suzanne 71,223 Smith,William 209 Smithmier,Amanda 91.223 Smyth,Megan 223 Snare,Sarah 265 Snavely,Stephen 265 Snedeker,Jessica 125,237 Snell,Erik 121,223,287 Snider,Cara 265 Snyder, Aaron 223 Snyder,Ben 209 Snyder,Brian 266 Snyder,Jessica I. 266 Snyder,Karen 77, 117, 126, 127 Snyder,Melissa 209 Snyder,Rob 266 Sobonya,Jessica 126,209 Soloman,Naomi 121,237 Somers,Wendy M. 266 Sorensen,Carrie 79, 188,223 Sorrell,John 266 Smiles,Matt 237 Jessica 189 Stephens,Debby 13 Stephens,Jason 209 Stephens,Matt 125,237 Stephens,Wes 123,237,278 Stephens,William 237 Stephenson, Wayne 40 Sterner, Matthew 56 Stevens,Albert 13 Stevens,Jonathan 209 Stevens, Matthew 70,209 Stevens,Seth 238 Stevenson,Jeff 209 Stevenson, Laura 116, 124,209 Stewart,Becky 87, 122,238 Stewart, Lauren 87,223 Stickle,Ben 223 Stiemsher, Daniel 165 Stiles,Stephanie 223 Stillings,Elisha 266 Stinson,Melissa 89,128 Stitcher,Peter 68 Stitzel,James 93,266 Stokes,Chris 87 Stokes.Emily 85, 121,209 S h ■ h e n b c t e (0 I) Taylor,Julie 87,223 Taylor,Laura 223 Taylor, Markis 87,223 Taylor, Mary 209 Taylor,Stephanie 223 Teboda,Kylee 51,209 Tedford, Mark 85,209 Tegge,Elizabeth 43,59,90,209 Tehan,David 267 tenBrink,Amy 267 Tencza, Jeremy 238 Terkelsen, Susan 169 Terrill,David 52,92,223 Tctrick,Jennifer 42,43, 124,238 Tcusink, Rebekah 267 Tharp,Milinda 223 Thengvall,Sarah 89,223 Thomas,Beth 94,209 Thomas,Brendan 223 Thomas,Jack 120,238 Thomas,Kelly 209 Thomas,Monica 79, 127,238 Thomas,Paul 100 Thomas,Robert 11 hooni,61 Cho,hc 1 FormerEnronCEOKenneth Layreadsa briefstatement before heasserted his Fifth Amendmentrightand refused totestify beforeCongressTuesday, Spanagel,Dan 87,237 Sparks,Bruce 13 Sparks, Katie 79,209 Sparks, Midi 79,237 Sparks,Timothy 123 Sperling,Jennifer 72,75 Spears,Jessica 85,209 Spena, Matt 209 Spence, Amanda 223 Spence,Jeremy 78 Spencer,Charity 125,237 Spencer, Dr. Edward 165 Spencer, Nathanael 209 Spracklin,Sarah 46 Springirth,Pete 60,83,116, 124, 129,266 Sproul,Gretchen 74, 125,209 Sproul,Heidi 98,266 Spurlock, Kristen 122 Spurlock,Sarah 119,223 Staab,Gaelyn 223 Staab,Rachel 92,209 Stafford, Abby 237 Stafford, Andrew 237 Stafford, Annie 55,223 Stahl,Elizabeth 92,209 Standish,Amy 237 Stanford,Christa 55,223 Stanton,Kortney 237 Starbuck,Ariel 70, 120,237 Stark, Heather 84,266 Stark,Kenna 77, 123,237 Stark, Melissa 73,223 Statler, Aaron 266 Stauffer,Julie 50,51,223 Stauffer, Melissa 80,237 Stauffer,Tim 237 Stedge,John 266 Steele,Shawn 73,209 Steely,Jennifer 99,266 Steenwyk,Elizabeth 266 Steiner, Katie 125,209 Steiner,Kelsie 92, 125,266 Steingass, Katherine 78,89,266 Steingass,Krista 89,209 Steinman,Kara 183 Steinmetz,Shelley 47,223 Steitler,Charles W. 266 . Stengel,Carl E. 266 Stoltzfus,Carly 209, 211 Stoltzfus,Renell 209 Stone,Bethany 69,238 Stone,Jesse 238 Storer,Steven 77,94, 129,266 Stormont,Dave 238,278 Stough,Anjel 73,84,209 Stoughton,Danielle 267 Stowers,Shannon 82,223 Straits,Christopher 179 Stranzin,John 223 Strauch,Nisha 74,129, 136, 238 Strickland, Tiffaney 209 Strife, Matthew 223 Strobridge,Sarah 73, 121,209 Strong,Stephanie L. 267 Struebel,Jonathan 223 Strychalski,Jodi 92, 195,223 Strychalski,Joseph R. 267 Stuckey,Crystal 51,84,209 Stuenzi,Carrie 223 Stumpf,Ricki 69,209 Stoles,Patty 171 Sudlow,Daniel 90,267 Sullenberger, Eric 70, 121,223 Sullivan,Dr. Dennis 173 Sullivan,Jennifer 85,123,125,223 Sullivan,Julia 223 Summers,Katherine 267 Sutherland,Collin 118,238 Sutter,Tricia 128 Swan,Donna L. 267 Swanson,Jonathan 267 Swartzentruber, Christina 238 Swartzentruber, Garret 125 Swingle,Shaun J. 267 Syversen,Kara 93, 122,238 • Tabbut,Matthew 82,119,209 Tabor,Tiffany 267 Taldo,Erica 92, 126,267,277 Tate, April 119,223 Tate, Kristie 46,92 Tatham, Andrew 90,223 Taylor, David 223 Taylor,Erin 89,223 Taylor, Hudson 129 Thompson,Dr. Thomas 173 Thompson,Emily 73,209 Thompson,Jennifer 73, 120,223 Thompson,Julie 88,209 Thompson,Melissa 223 Thompson,Paula 44, 45, 209 Thompson,Rachel 238 Thompson,Rebekah 177 Thompson,Sara 209 Thompson,Steven 179 Thomson,Timothy 36,209 Thornburg, Matthew 238 Thorne,Catherine 238 Thurman,Randy 238 Tidwell, Andrew 128,224 Tillett,Lucas 94, 129,238 Tippins,Hank 209 Toclaiell,John 183 Tomkinson,Joel 98,238 Topp,Elizabeth 238 Townsend,Adam 89,210 Townsend,Candace 224 Toyer, Matthew 129,224 Tracy,Nicole 91,224 Trago,Christine 124,267 Traub,Carl 56,267 Treese, Michael Van 238 Trennepohl,Sheri 210 Trevino,Emily 210 Trimble,Zachary 98,224 Trimble-Lisch, Amey 267 Trotter,Ben 210 Troyer, Marvin 175 Tse,Dr.Luke 169 Tse,Linda 177 Tsermengas,Sarah 55 Tubbs,Erin 82,224 Tubbs,Justin 99,118, 193, 267 Tubbs,Seth 238 Tucker,Elizabeth 90,210 Tucker,Matt 238 Tucker,Philip 210 Tuinstra,Erin 179 Turner,Cooley 181 Tumick,Melissa L. 267 Tuttle,Jennifer 83,210 Tuyl,Stephanie Van 238 Tyler, Donald 13 Tynan, Nick 267 Closing 295
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