2003 Miracle Yearbook

Class parties area great time for eating snacks and watching movies. CLASS OFFICERS Elizabeth Sims and Katie Krumreich pass out candy as a Christmas present to their class. (First row, left-to-right) Melissa Pinkerton (Treasurer), Michael Clutz (Chaplain), Amanda Van Hooser (Secretary). (Second row, left-to-right) Jessica Spears (Vice President), Ethan Bolvi (President). To The Amazing Class of 2005, Another year has quickly passed us by. It is hard to believe that we are halfway through our college career! What an accomplishment,and yet another two years(for some of us, more)of adventure lies ahead. I pray that we continue to keep our eyes on the goal and to run the race set out before us. I want to personally thank you for your individual contributions that made our class, in my opinion,the best Cedarville has ever seen. I am amazed to hear how you are reaching out to our community,getting involved in many extracurricular activities, and showing an example of Christ in everything you do. It is encour- aging to see classmates involved in different aspects of leadership on campus. I genuinely hope that you have enjoyed your time as a part ofour class. It has alwaysbeen our goal to see you smiling and enjoying yourselves at every opportunity that comes your way. Thank you for your participation in class activities. Our class is well known for our unity and love for each other. It is so awesome to see a class this large be able to come together and enjoy even the silly things such as building our class float, getting ready for parties, and enjoying our friendships with one another. Thank you for the privilege ofserving you these past two years. In His Grip, Ethan Bolvi SOPHOMORES 181