2003 Miracle Yearbook

NEW BEGINNING On Friday,August 23,a sea of minivans flooded Cedarville University for Getting Started Weekend. Fathers and mothers fought for parking spaces while their freshman students fought emotions ranging from fear to elation. As they stepped out oftheir vehicles,they heard Christian music in the distance, felt the hot summer sun on their bodies,smelled food grilling, and saw hundreds ofanxious faces experiencing Cedarville for die first time. Masses ofnew students scurried into the Dixon Ministry Center. Together,they herded through endless mazes ofbooths to collect the massive quantities ofinformation crucial to the survival ofevery freshman. From the Dixon Ministry Center, many returned to the dorms to extract their belongings from cars that always seemed a few cubic feet too small. After unpacking, parents and their freshmen attended informative conferences to learn how to acclimate to the new culture. An early arrival party capped the evening, which allowed new students to make connections with their new Cedarville family. On Saturday, orientation sessions continued,and more students poured in from all over ofthe world. A special presentation,"Calling Home,"guided parents and students through possible components ofthe college transition. In the evening, freshmen united to learn a new approach to the early 1990's song"I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles)" by The Proclaimers. While the freshmen remained on campus participating in various activities, transfer students traveled to staffand faculty member's homes,local businesses,and campus safety to take pictures as part of their small group activities. The final day ofGetting Started Weekend ushered in mixed emotions as parents spent their last weekend moments together in worship at the Jeremiah Chapel before leaving their first-year Cedarville students. After the service, the parade ofminivans turned onto State Route 72 heading home while new students remained on campus to start their first year ofnew memories,new beginnings,and new family at Cedarville University. The Getting Started Crew (and the Bee) help frehsmen and transfer students move into their dorms during the long weekend. > 42 FALL SEMESTER