2003 Miracle Yearbook

Funny faces. The many faces of the Dixons can be seen throughout the family. Dr. Scott Dixon shares a little alone time with his father at the beach. Golfing is included. > ALEGACYOF SERVICE Twenty-five years as a university president,forty-four years as an itinerant preacher, forty-three years as a husband,and forty-one years as my father, Paul Dixon has continually modeled one character trait -- faithfulness -- faithfulness to his family, faithfulness to his calling,and faithfulness to his Savior. Faithfulness to Family In an age and culture of self-centered love, forty-three years of marriage is an aberration. In faithfully loving my mother,Dad has consistently modeled I Corinthians 13. His positive attitude has been contagious, and his continual encouragement has enabled my mom and me to take our own paths as we have sought to use the gifts and passions God has given us. Faillifu I ness to Calling I'm not sure I've ever seen someone enjoy hisjob as much as my dad. For the last twenty-five years he has lived and breathed Cedarville. Always ready to tell the story ofa small struggling Presbyte- rian college transformed into one of the best Christian liberal arts colleges in the country, he never travels without a stack ofbrochures and a box ofvideos. But even more than serving our university, I believe what gets him out ofbed every morning is the opportunity to make a difference in the lives ofthe student. From his early days when he preached to youth rallies while not being much older than his audience,Paul Dixon has been taking the message ofJesus to the coming generation. When your life passion meshes with the mission of your place ofemploy- ment, work does indeed become a calling. 8DEDICATION Faithfulness to Savior One ofthe reasons some "PK's"struggle, I believe, is the difficulty ofliving in a home where the preaching is not backed up by the life ofthe preacher. My experi- ence as a preacher's kid communi- cated quite the opposite. On my way from the kitchen to the dining room table with my morning Captain Crunch,it would not be uncommon for me to sneak a peek into my dad's study and see him on his knees in prayer or sitting in his chair studying the Word. He's far from perfect; but he has always been genuine. And he has illustrated that a life ofintegrity begins on the knees. Along with my mother,Dad chose Psalm 37:23 as their life verse:"The steps ofa good man are ordered by the Lord,and He delights in his way." Truly,the Lord has delighted in the faithful steps ofPaul Dixon. A Tribute by Dr. Scott Dixon