2004 Miracle Yearbook
Intramurals iendi caonyiefilion AsCedarvillestudentswadedthrough their classes, rehearsals, and ministries, mostofthem made time for more activi- ties: intramural sports.Intramurals in the fall included everything from volleyball, basketball,andsoftballtoultimateFrisbee, racquetball,and wallyball. In the spring that list expanded to in- cludebowling,tableten- nis, pool, foosball, and badminton. The large variety offered some- thing for everyone,and differentleagueson dif- ferentnightsletstudents playaround theirsched- ules. Intramuralsportsof- feredtheopportunityfor physical activity and a break from studies. SophomoreBenAmberg stated, "Playing an in- tramural sport hasgiven me the chance to be a little more active than I'm allowed in the li- brary." Sophomore Mike Collett° acknowl- edged,"Intramuralsprovidedagreatblend ofsocialization,stress release,and exer- cise,and I really appreciate the opportu- nity to escape everything else and have organized fun once in a while." Intramuralsports also provided the op- portunity for students to meet new people and spend time with old friends. They allowed students to play games they love but were not normally able to play. They offeredthechallengeofcreatingthecoolest team name (e.g. Cedarvillains and BlitzKreig), and they presented the hope of winning a champion- ship. Senior Nisha Strauch summed up the benefits of intramuralsin herstate- ment, "Let's be hon- est! You participate in intramurals so you can wintheglorifiedt-shirt. Other than the T-shirt, you play for fun, love of the game, and pride." At the end ofthe year, intramurals had supplied students with many memorable experiences. Junior CourtneyRuffinandsophomoreStephanie Hueni each mentioned that playing sand volleyball barefoot in subzero tempera- tures wassomething they will neverforget and will probably do again next year. Basketballintramuralgamesarecharac- terizedasbeingfast-pacedandintense. Acoolfallafternoon,agrassyfield,andahard intramuralgameofsoccer create the perfect combination!(Above Right) "I really enjoy playingintramurals!" exclaims AndreaJohnson,in a game with her teammates Brian Carlson,Anna Mied, and Travis Allen. 192 Activities
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