2004 Miracle Yearbook

School of ringineering,Nursing,and Science Dr.Irene Alyn Chair ofNursing •r.DenñWFTntge ChairofScience&Mathematics The School of Engineering,Nursing, and Science(ENS),as stated on its web page,sought"to offer an education in the theoretical and applied sciences that is consistent with biblical truth, to that end [the school ofENS]offer[s] programs in engineering, nursing, science and mathematics that present our disciplines throughthelensofscripture..."Thefaculty ofthis school wanted their students,even while building a bridge oradministering a shot,to show their Christ-likeness so that others could see it. Three separate departments formed the School of ENS. The faculty in the Department of Engineering upheld a philosophy of"back to the basics" and used the hands-on approach when instructing its students. Dr. Lawarence Zavodney served as the chair of the iv department. ChairedbyDr.Irene Alyn,theNursing Departmentfacultyeducatedstudentswho will fulfill God's purposefortheir lives in localcommunitiesandthroughoutthe world through the field ofnursing. The faculty in the department of Scienceand Mathematicsheldtheconcept of variety high on a pedestal because of the benefit it can have for the students of thedepartment.Dr.DennisFlentgechaired the department. Dr.ClintCole,anengineeringprofessor, said,"Impactingthe livesofyoung people and encouraging them to grow spiritually as well as intellectually is immensely rewarding." The heart ofthe faculty was aimednotonlyatteachingthestudents,but impacting them as well. Dr.Kevin Roper,a professorfro mathematics department said,"And what is so amazing is that after I have had so much fun,someone gives me money for doingit." Dr.LawarenceZavodney ChairofEngineering 20 Academics Dr.StanleyBaczek Dean Dr.DavidSharp AssociateProfessor Nursing Dr.KimberlySharp AssociateProfessor Nursing