2004 Miracle Yearbook

.erfap.e Evaluating the rimerging Church Dr. D. A. Carson addressed the Cedarville chapel audience on February 10-12, addressing the "emergent church" movement in postmodern Christianity. In the three days,the renowned exegete first discussed the movement and its strengths and weaknesses and then explained Scriptural passages as they related to the topic. Eventhough moststudentshadnoprior knowledge of the topic, Dr. Carson's lectures were timely:the emergentchurch movement and postmodernity began to manifest themselves in discussion at Cedarvillethis year,particularlyintheform ofBrian McLaren's book A New Kind of Christian Dr.Carsonspentlittletimedefiningthe emergent church, focusing more on a conservative evangelical response to it. SeniorAlyson Perry said,"Iwould saythe point was to 'call to balance,'a balance in Scripturalinterpretation,worship,andin all other areas. Junior Dan Roeber most enjoyed the third day ofthe lecture:"I appreciated Dr. Carson's exposition ofthe Scriptures on the final day - his application to today's society was very meaningful." Freshman JoeDugan agreed,noting that"Dr.Carson is a deeply respected biblicist." Dr. Carson is research professor of New Testament at Trinity Evangelical DivinitySchoolinDeerfield,Illinois. StudentsrespectD.A.Carsonnotonlyforhis vast knowledge,butfor the way he commu- nicates itin an understandable way.(Above) Paula Thompson explains,"When I am[on stage] ...I thinkaboutthe factthatIamjoining with 10,000angels praisingGod.Thatallows me to really worship!"(Above Right) Dr. Miller explains that the purpose of this event is "to enrich the quality of Christian serviceandsharpentheeffectivenessofChris- tian witness." 278 Spring