2004 Miracle Yearbook
61.(sidey Celebrating Faculty Scholarship Faculty Chapeltook placeon March 31 and began with announcementsand prayer requests given byPastorRohm.Dr.Duane Wood,AcademicVicePresident,followed and presented the Faculty Scholar ofthe Year award to Dr. Mark McClain, Associate Professor of Chemistry. The remainder of the chapel went to Dr. McClain, who used the opportunity to address the student body with a speech entitled "Carrots, Conjugation, and Conductivity." Dr.McClain'sfirstwordsweretothank God,his parents,and his wife.He brought the chapel to laughter with the promise to her,"I'll keepthe plaque,butyoucan have the check!"He also mentioned his love for the element molybdenum. Thespeech wasfilled with encouragement to student scholars to "Dream big" and "Become!" Dr. McClain also noted that when you getlemonsand makelemonade, enjoy the lemonade because it's full of vitamin C. Such clever quips filled the speech, keeping students' attention and giving Dr. McClain a platform to discuss anotherfavoritetopic:electricallyconduc- tive polymers. Heexplainedtheseplasticsthatconduct electricity withhumorandsimplicity,citing exciting possibilities for their future use. Dr. McClain's strongest advice,however, was to pursue God."Read A.W. Tozer's Pursuit ofGod again and again." Dr.Taylor Ferranti,new AssistantProfessor ofMusicasof2003,accompanieshimselfashe sings Chris Rice's "Untitled Hymn"(Come ToJesus).(Top Left) Dr.Wood and Pastor Rohm look on as the chapel proceeds. During the special chapel, PastorRohmgaveannouncementsandprayer requests,and Dr.Wood announced the Fac- ultyScholarofthe Year. Dr.MarkMcClain,FacultyScholaroftheYear, holds up a picture book about a boy and a carrot,which heused asanillustration during his address.(Above) Spring 279
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