2004 Miracle Yearbook

g'wenibi cf7Ceeherid Recreation and Reunion March26-28wasnotatypicatweekend oncampus.AsParents'weekend,itbrought extra hugs and laughter, postponed homework,and madeforfatter walletsand fullerqoolcietins.Themagnitudeofactivities from which to choose kept both students and parents far from boredom and wondering what to do next. Students performed Arthur Miller'sAll My Sons every day of the weekend, and Karen Mowrer'sRuth the Musicalshowed twice on Saturday. These performances, together with the Pops Concert featuring the ConcertChorale,Women'sChoir,Jazz Singers,Symphonic Band,and Jazz Band, left no doubt in parents' minds as to CedarvilleUniversity's quality in the area offine arts. Fridaynightoffered BeavervuBowling to families, and Saturday brought opportunities for attempting the climbing wall,scrapbooking,golfing,hikingthegorge, eating Young's ice cream, viewing dorm rooms, and getting free family portraits. Saturdayalsofoundsomefamiliescheering on the Jackets in tennis and softball or watching the NCAA regional basketball tournamenton the big screens in the event rooms. However,amidstalltheactivities,many students' and parents' favorite aspects of the weekend lay elsewhere.Some students enjoyed being taken out for meals away from campus, but most people's favorite part ofthe weekend wasfound in relationships.Freshman Conrad Bear said, "Parents' Weekend provided a great op- portunity to connect with parents, which doesn't happen so often any more." Sophomore Tim Hartman said that his parents enjoyed just being able to watch him and his senior sister Carrie"serve upa few tennis victories."SophomoreBrandon Colas remarked that his parents' favorite partoftheweekendwas"reminiscingabout their college experience," and freshman Rachel Dremann stated that she most en- joyed "being able to show my parents thebuildingswhereIspendmostofmytime and to introduce them over lunch to the people who I spend the mosttime with." The scrapbooking session is a fun time for mothers and daughters to spend time to- gethertalkingandorganizingpictures.(Above) "My dad was really excited aboutthe AC! I knowhe tries tokeepsomewhatactive,andI enjoyworkingout..."soErinO'Keefeandher dad takeadvantage ofthe treadmills!(Above Right) Siblings Stacy and Shawn Alexander spend qualitytime with their parentsin between the weekend'sscheduled events. 286 Spring