2004 Miracle Yearbook

Mrs. Dorothy Spencer After a long bout with cancer, marked by years of steadfast faithfulness, Mrs. Dorothy Spencer went to meet her Savior in the spring. She lefta lasting imprinton Cedarville University through many years of service to the school in a number of roles. She and her husband, Professor Spencer, have invested nearly a century into Cedarville University. She was eulogized as a"a lady ofgreat character whose judgment, humor, and friendly spirit brought out the finest in those around her. The influence ofher life uponothersisaflamethatwillburn brightly forever. She left so much good with every soul she touched on this earth." Mrs.Spencer contemplates the contribution she and her husband make to the school. Professor Spencer and Mrs.Dorothy Spen- cer celebrate their marriage onJune 8,1946. (Top) Marabeth Elmore, Mrs. St. Clair, Dorothy Spencer, Virginia Taylor, and Kitty Vine enjoy 103 collective years of service with Cedarville University. 300 Spring