2004 Miracle Yearbook

Development Division Another very important division of Cedarville University staff was the Development Division. The major expense of running and maintaining Cedarville University had a significant impact on every student. This division worked on raising and using the funds needed to maintain the university properly. They worked with those who wished tosupportthe university notonl though monetarysupport,butalsothrough prayer support and other intangibl aspects, such as good will. Dr. Martin Clark, Vice President of the Development Division, stated,"W are asupport division ofthe university.' Their work involved things such as working with alumni, publications, and donorrelated scholarships. Thisdivision also included CDR radio, as well as Torch and Inspire, university publications. God led the Development Division with the very talented people whoworked there. Dr. Clark felt that his division was not only blessed by the people working with him,butalso by the donors whoso generouslygavetothe university. MikeBieniek SeniorGraphicDesigner Public Relations Kara Demusz AssistantDirector Public Relations Kristi Gleason Tim Johnson Administrative Assistant PurchasingAgent Public Relations Planning Mark Kordic DevelopmentOfficer Development Mrs.Funtik and Mrs.Deardorfdiscuss research needs with a student. 34 Academics Mrs.Fawcettsearches forinformationforastudentin the library.