2005 Miracle Yearbook
Hilliens. Lawlo uys.Brock Jocks. Harri House:The men's residence life at Cedarville was a major contri utor to the unique vocabulary spoken around campus. For many, being in a certain esidence hall carried with it a tremendous amount of pride. Sophomore James A erman displayed such pride when he said,"the guys in Brock are just awesome—w; reign supreme over all other dorms!" And with this kind o ride emanating from each hall, there were bound to be rivalries (friendly ones, o ourse). One of the most infamous rivalries was that of The Hill vs. Lawlor. Freshm Paul Hale,a Lawlorian,shed some light on this age- old confrontation. He explaine "We from Lawlor have sought to educate The Hill on the importance of life,demon rating thatthere are more important things than faster computers and being a ner Whipping them in football just helps to put them in their place." Chris Cuffman, a sophomore Hillian, fended his dorm with pride. He said that"the only thing [Lawlor] really has is cl. es.As if clothes make you a great dorm.In any case,Lawlor's RD isn't even one o eir own.Yeah,he was a Hillian. The best thing they have came from The Hill." S 'er rivalries among men's dorms included the off-campus Harriman House and So partments,although according to freshman South dweller Ben Jundanian, "Harr n thinks we're rivals, but throwing pumpkins is really the extent of the rivalry. I is 'think we care a whole lot." Another defining trait of Cedarville men's residence halls was the presence of creative, and sometimes wacky,traditions. Many tenants of Brock participated in "Brock to the Rock," a controversial jog from their hall to the rock in front of the SSC. The Lawlor vs. Hill football game, in which Lawlor emerged the victor, Lawlorpalooza, Hill grills, Lawlor riots, and "the Tree" were just a few of the many time-honored traditions celebrated by many at Cedarville. However, some dorms remained fairly low-key for those that prefered a quieter setting. Ryan Shanely, a senior who lived in Rickard,favored his hall "because it is sedate. One need not leave the dorm to work on homework or projects." Just as Cedarville's student body was diverse with unique personalities and tastes, the residence halls reflected that same assortment of environments,allowing everyone to feel at home. "When the work load piles up, we like to kick back in our ghetto gear (loofahs and all), and relax by playing loud music and NOT dancing with our RA,"said Junior Mike Dotson.Eric Johnson,Seth Buckwalter, Kyle Gunn, Tyler Yoder,and Luke Snider also have an excellent time relaxing in Lawlor 18. Only in Brock could senior Jonathon Stevens be able to lounge in his big leather chair while reading Big Game Fishing Journal. 146 Activities
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