2005 Miracle Yearbook
Nathan Williams, Mike Ensslen, and Jon Dinkins work during a Lauren Jones, Michael Prins, Mary Pritts, Vashti Mensah, and Candace Smith represent the PEACE Project at In weekend at Scioto Hills Camp, an annual event that helps the homecoming. Mensah said,"This year our main focus in PEACE Project was internal—we spent a lot of time within camp be ready for its busy summer season. the membership learning about each other. We also ran a chapel fall semester about Christian martyrs.And spring semester we partnered with SGA to promote the Hive night with Scratch Track." 3e .15 Delta Pi Sigma gals showw off their goofy sides. Pi Gama Psi, which "promotes social interaction and enhances spiritual growth among women at the university," spends a moment with the Browns. Bethany Johnson drives the Pi Gamma Psi car in the Cedarville Homecoming Parade. Ministries 229
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