2005 Miracle Yearbook
SGA Officers "SGA did a number of things this year. At the beginning of the year we had activities like Homecoming with Casting Crowns, the New Student Talent Show, and the freshman trip. Lots of other activities went on as well, such as Campus Congress, movie nights, ELLIV, and end of the year parties. Our goal with events was to make sure every one of our events was done the best it could be done. "We also started some new things this year especially related to organizations.We deicded to give more money to organizations on campus to further their causes This turned out to be a huge success and blessing for many organizations on campus. "Another new thing wasextending and promoting our tutoring program to students. Most people know that a tutoring program exists, but new knew SGA was behind it. So we tried to let people know what was available to help them academically' "Our main goal this year was to glorify God by enhancing student life at Cedarville. We tried to do all we did with excellence and work with our administration to improve life at Cedarville." —SGA President Drew Flamm Officers: Derek Zelenka, JoeIle Marquardt, Isaac Pittman, Lydia Baker, Stephanie Hueni, Jessica Dodson,and Drew Flamm gather at the homecoming parade. Carly Stoltzfus, Laura Cummings, Jessica Dodson, Lida Baker, Stephanie Hueni, JoeIle Marquardt, and Kirsten Gibbs enjoy some SGA lady time at their last get-together of the year at the Montgomery Inn in Cincinnati. a t r S v S President: Drew Flamm Vice President: Stephanie Hueni Chaplain: Derek Zelenka Secretary: Isaac Pitman Tresurer: Chris Kauffman Multimedia Director: Ryan Clark Organizational Director: Carly Stoltzfus Activities Director: Jessica Dodson Director of Student Relations: Lydia Baker Student Life Director: Laura Cummings Inter-Collegiate Council Director: Jon Fulton Senior Class President: JoeIle Marquardt The whole group of SGA officers relaxes together at Dr. Ruby's home for a Christmas party. Dodson commented on the year:"This year was such a blessing and challenge on so many levels! It was sucn a privilege to work with 11 other peers who truly loved the Lord and sought to please Him through their gifts and abilities. It was my absolute pleasure to serve our student body behind the scenes through our activities and events. I walked away from this year thinking,'Wow,my God is so VERY big!" 234 Organizations
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