2005 Miracle Yearbook
"My character was Eugene The preparation is more physical than mental Not only do you think like your character, but you have to physically act like him. Actors have to be careful not to think their characters to death, because the character is, after all, a human being," Cobb said Josh Cobb paints a pretty picture. -I engage in warm up exercises to warm up my body, my mind, and my vocal chords. Then I plug in to the story and stay in there for the next few hours," he said. Eric Mish leans on the piano as Stanley Jerome during a scene with rest of the family. "I was challenged by this character. He e me, but he's not me. I had to become a person who has ilarities to myself, yet still be a different personality," Mish Stanley and his mothe have a tender moment. "I've been involved in theater since jugior high and loved it ever since. In the past, I had lead roles in Charlotte's Web and in Get Smart," Mishne said. Crystal Tuxhorn poses with the set cr "During a show, a cast member forgot to grab his coatfrom stage closet. One of my crew members crawled under the s the closet while the closet door was opening and closing,"Tu orn said. Eric Mishne, on the left. grins at his father. "In a dress rehersal, I sat down on Eugene's bed and it broke. I fell to the floor among pieces of bed and books and blankets. Another time, during a performance. I was attempting to leave stage in the dark. My suspenders were down and they got caught on the bedpost.So much for a smooth exit," he said.
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