2005 Miracle Yearbook

Independent performances entertained as well as challenged this year. Broadway Tonight brought classic show tunes to the stage, and Another Antigone artfully combined choreography, classic literature, and 20th century concerns of war and race. Perhaps most provocative was Alpha Beta Phi's reader's theatre performance of The Laramie Project, directed by junior Sarah Cliff and followed by a discussion forum composed of several Cedarville professors and two students. The Laramie Project, originally written and performed by Moises Kauffman and his Tectonic Theatre Company, recounted the thoughts, reactions, and feelings of the town members,friends, and family of Matthew Shepherd, the young gay man who was brutally beaten and left for dead outside of the small town of Laramie,Wyoming.The powerful play, in which lines use the word for word testimonies of interviewed individuals,forces others,as sophomore Rebecca Phillips put it, "to think about the opinions and hear the statements of those who knew him,those who were there to experience the pain of losing someone they loved dearly." Sophomore Dan Tello added that the performance "did well to portray to students the humanity of each character,showing their hurts,struggles, and cares." In presenting the play, Alpha Beta Phi successfully raised questions concerning hate crimes, homosexuality, and where Christians should stand on such issues. The discussion period following the performa positively reflected that the members of the student body were seeking answers to how they should take a stand as well as how to effectively reach out to those who are leading a homosexual lifestyle sophomore Justin Lyon put it, "Christians avoid this topic like the plague,and I think we are the nes that need to be out there doing something about it." John Viinalass Sophomore Andrew Tripp considers the effects of his character's action in Another Antigone His character"wrote a term paper for his girlfriend, and Professor Harper got wise to what I did," he explained. Amy Hollins, Kate Meyer,and Tiffam Robbins perform "I Feel Pretty" from WestSide Story. For Hollins,this particular song was"so much fun! I love that musical and it was a blast to get to do one of the numbers from it!" Sophomores Justin Keller and Matt Beres perform their parts in The Laramie Project The setup for this play was unique. it was in a Reader's Theater style, and each actor played multiple characters 028 Fall