2006 Miracle Yearbook

Dr. Brown's Chapels It's not hard to figure out what Cedarville students are doing at 10 a.m. on a Monday p morning. No, not sleeping or cramming for their 11 o'clock exam, but filling vacant chapel pews, ready for their weekly address from University President, Dr. Bill Brown. The theme for this year's series of messages was "Engaging the World for Christ" and centered on building character and transparency as we live our lives before a watching world. Ethan Sanborn, a sophomore, commented,"Dr. Brown's chapels served to provide common ground for the wide diversity of chapels provided to us students. It is a true blessing to have such a Godly man as our president and to hear insight from him and solid biblical knowledge that is applicable to the student body." Since Dr. Brown's arrival at Cedarville three years ago, we have been hearing phrases akin to Brown's chapel messages circulated around campus. However, this is the first year we have focused on the subject to such an extent. Many students appreciated the diversity Dr. Brown included in his chapel messages, making each one a unique blend of Biblical teaching and applications. In one, for example, we concluded with the chorus "Sing Alleluia" in seven different languages - English, Shona, Chinese, French, Russian, Spanish, and Korean. He also gave a series of conversational lectures with the help of Bible Professor, Dr. Chris Miller, which addressed many of the questions Cedarville students ask regarding truth and reality during their college years. "I think that Dr. Brown's chapels with Dr. Miller were really memorable. It was good that they answered and helped us discover answers to a lot of tough questions that are being asked in our society of Christians," senior Ashley Ross said. t 158 Activities ).""•••.—Joi >- Dr. Brown plays electric guitar in (or perhaps out)of tune with engineering professor, Dr. Tim Norman. W Keith Rice thoroughly enjoyed Dr. Brown's chapels.: "His witty sense of humor and keen insights on popular culture make every Monday something to look forward to." 4 Dr. Chris Miller, professor of Bible, joins Dr. Brown for a two-day stint during which they engage in a conversation aimed at guiding students through the difficult questions of life and of God. 'Dr. Brown leafs through the day's newspaper before delivering a message concerning how we, as Christian students, can engage our world for Christ. O,P