2006 Miracle Yearbook

"r Katie Nicholl is just one of the thousands of students who contributed their own money to send toward Hurricane Katrina Relief efforts during SGA's special offering. *A student observes the progress in the next room by peering through the large hole he has torn in the center of an unsafe wall. Bethany Turner serves up some bacon for breakfast during one day's clean-up efforts. 1r Cornet TerreBlanche helpstear down the rotting wall in someone's home. The crumbling tiles are the next to go. Ia '4. Before arriving to help with Katrina relief, Joel Lagan and friends chill together auring the long bus ride south. *A trip to the beach at Spring Break isn't all that unusual, but for the 100 students ."\./ho headed to New Orleans to aid clean-up efforts, a prayer vigil on the beach was 'he perfect conclusion to the week's activities. Despite the heat, Kristen Cato saws off a piece of tree trunk that had, until late, been lodged on someone's property. Ministries 199