2006 Miracle Yearbook

Social ervic iF Christina Cronshaw, Abby Guiler, Tina (forget last name),Amy Elliott, Kate Martin, and Kate Thompson worked hard on their Homecoming float with their fellow DPS girls. It is then no surprise when it wins first place! ••• Lauren Nuss, Lauren Hanna, Kendra Battaglia, Amy Elliott, Pam Seymour, and Bobbi Miller of Delta Pi Sigma get all decked out 80s style for Cedarville's annual Org Fair. PEB, SPL, DAE,AX, and on the list goes; its all Greek to me! But it's a little more than just Greek for those involved in these organizations. These organizations categorized as Social Service Orgs combined some of the greatest aspects of Cedarville University; that of community building and community service. There were a total of 12 such organizations on campus. Their purposes ranged from "promoting ethnic and cultural education" to "promoting spiritual and social growth." Every year, dozens of activities beneficial to students, faculty, and staff are prepared through these organizations. For instance, Alpha Delta Omega,a women's organization, organized a campus-wide coat drive. Alpha Chi organized one of the most well-attended events on campus, the annual Alpha Chi Talent show. And Delta Pi Sigma provided much needed babysitting for faculty and staff. The Social Service Organizations have also been involved in many events that have affected people outside of the university. Many orgs helped out with maintenance work at Scioto Hills camp, provided Hurricane Katrina relief work, or assisted in Urban Light's Thanksgiving dinner, among other events. These organizations helped students plug into a group that not only focused on the encouragement of other brothers and sisters in Christ but one that allows its members to serve actively in areas that are often forgotten. ist-4Lr. 2 .w Lindsay LoDico, Janna Schwab, Carrie Gumm,Cara Bodenmiller, Kelsey Salisbury, Allison West, and the guys of DOE share a little Yuletide cheer in the community. "Getting to help the community with the girls of ADO was great, but so was having fun with them, especially decorating our Christmas tree!" said senior Janna Schwab. Bri Ha It Jac