2006 Miracle Yearbook

Missions Conference The colors of the nations' flags showed brightly against the pale white walls of the chapel. I looked among the students and noticed the great similarity between the colors of the students' dress and those of the flags. This prompted me to think how these #, 3,000 students would someday impact people for Christ in all of these countries. What an amazing reality! The 2006 Missions Conference was „no& devoted to remembering the five lives 4 9, lost in Ecuador exactly fifty years alo ago. Those five men: Jim Elliot, Pete Fleming, Ed McCully, Nate 41"ftreour-enlowIr. Saint, and Roger Youderian, died in order to allow the gospel to be brought to the Auca Indians. The movie Beyond the Gates of Splendor was shown, and students performed the drama Bridge of Blood several times throughout the week. Each speaker integrated the amazing story of these martyrs into their messages. No one could leave without being impacted. Sophomore Justin Myers talked about his experience at the Missions Conference: "The thing that impacted me the most about this Missions Conference was the concept of 'true worship is costly,' presented by Dr. Murray. Jesus tells us that we should give up all kinds of things for Him that society says we shouldn't: money, pride, even family." Dr. George Murry spoke in the evenings about who Christ is and what He has done, as well as what we must do in response. We were humbled when he stated, "The question is not 'Is it worth it?' but God's question to us,'Am I worthy?" We were forced to contemplate the question, "Is God worthy of what I do, of my worship, of my sacrifice?" In the end, we all had to answer, "Yes, God is worthy of whatever I give him and even so much more." We all look to the future and wonder how God will choose to use us and which countries we will serve in. I think maybe somewhere with green in the flag, I like green. 242 Spring 641. .1‘ -Iir A. Mr. and Mrs. Frank and Marie Drown share. Mr. Drown was part of the team who helped find the bodies of Nate Saint, Jim Elliot, and the others. A. Senior Julianne Null leads us in special music. sh