2006 Miracle Yearbook
Ar.• 07, 4,1146 at :1; .21 The senior chapel held this year at ,. Cedarville focused especially on the humor and good memories N, that come with a four (or five)- year stay at the university. Employing the impressive talents of their class, Rebekah Nettekoven, Jim Tullett, Amber Mack, and Matt Shiraki gave the student body a glimpse into life fifty years from now, when the senior class of '06 become "seniors" in 2056. The short skit did an excellent job of recreating and reliving scenes and memories that the graduates all had in common. Senior Chapel Is it really here already? It seems like it was yesterday when I was a freshman, sitting in chapel while the seniors led their own chapel. And now, here I am, reminiscing on old times and singing our class song. As I got up on stage to sing with my classmates, I couldn't believe that I was really experiencing one of my last chapels here at Cedarville. After the skit, senior Steve Ziegenfuss led the student body in worship and ended the chapel with the singing of the class song,"Be Thou My Vision." For Zeigenfuss, being on stage leading his class was "a privilege. It was amazing to hear them scream [the song] out." Senior chapel was not just an experience for the class of 2006, however. Freshman Sterling Meyers particularly enjoyed the focus of the music and worship. She said, "The music really focused the chapel on God and His goodness rather than on the class and their achievements. It was an encouraging and uplifting time that helped me see the faithfulness of God." Others came back from senior chapel with a sober awareness of their time at Cedarville. Freshman Scott Kordic said, "Senior chapel made me want to get to know my classmates better because four years really isn't that long." 258 Spring 4 'Robert Reid, Isaac Pittman, and Stephen Ziegenfuss fuse their eclectic styles together when leading worship. Ziegen- fuss aptly noted,"When you see a senior chapel as a fresh- man, it seems so far off. When you are in it, it still seems so far off." Rather aged versions of Jillian Anderson, Amber Mack, and Rebekah Nettekoven reminisce about their young, and all too short, years at Cedarville University. -A- As chapel closes, the seniors gather on stage A and lead the entire student body in the singing I) of their class song, "Be Thou My Vision."
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