2007 Miracle Yearbook

Hallmates James McClenahan,Dan Knudsen,Griffin Meyers,Adam Ploeg,Ben Volpe,Bobby Childs, Mark Hershey, Brian Alburger, Anthony Rutrough,Dan Johnson,and Josh Hueni are enjoying their afternoon at the Beachball Volleyball event. The men of Lawlor and the Hill face off in their annual football game. Lawlor won again this year,leaving the score at Lawlor-4, Hill-1. i. Matt de Waal Malefyt and others from Rickard paint the rock after curfew. Matt said,"We later found out that our sister hall ratted us out and called Campus Safety!' Guys often bond quickly with their hallmates,whether through trips to Springfield or hall dinners. However,some ofthe guys find unusual ways to bond. This St. Clair hall dresses up for a snowball fight with friends from Printy:Steven LiCicero, Kyle Hess,Chucky Klint, Ben Bertsche,Dalen Fultz, John Stevenson,Jay Coulter,and Bryant Beyers v Shane Flannery makesfun of Eric Kempton's Earth Science rocks while taking a Lawlor Unit 38 picture."We are a very close unit,"said Chris Beals,also pictured. •010.. 41111111110- 4,0 gCOPAING EYT YEAR! M COMING Ey,1 YEAR,