2007 Miracle Yearbook

O ver the years, Cedarville University has placed a strong emphasis on missions.Students have the opportunity to participate in short- term missions trips and ministry experiences through Missions Involvement Services(MIS),led by Brian Nester.Students participate in teams which travel to countries around the world each year during Christmas,Spring Break and throughout the summer.Since the year 1970,Cedarville MIS has sent over 5,000 participants to over89countries. In the 2006/2007school year,students traveled to places like Jamaica,Hungary,Australia,and Mexico, reaching people through a variety of ministries. Students who traveled during the summer of2006 were given an opportunity to share their experiences during MIS week in October.This week was also a chance for both new and returning students to be exposed to missions opportunities around the world,as well as waysthey could be involved during their time at Cedarville.Information aboutthe upcoming MIS trips was also made available for students to see where God could possibly use them and lead them to on a trip in the near future. Cedarville's MIS has played a huge role in the lives of many students over the years."I've been able to go on the same trip for the last three years.It has been really neat to see how God works year-to-year and the impact our teams have had.It has been so amazing and life-changing for me,"said Michelle Evington of her ministry at an MK camp in Mexico over Spring Break. The purpose of MIS is not only to send students on short-term missions trip but also to broaden their interest and understanding of missions and give them exposure to how that translates into real life. Not only will this experience let them see missionsfor themselves, but it will also allow them to truly serve others. To Jason Moss age does not matter as he works on building• relationships with the children of Mexico. The Eleuthra team was privileged to encourage several groups of 0 young people with the Gospel.They left each group with a reminder of the message:a large sign scattered with their handprints.Jada Holloway and a young Eleuthran display their"painting tools" for the camera. Mark Hershey,Josh Hueni,Anthony Rutrough,Adam Ploeg,Brian • Alburger,and AJ Clemans pose with a large group of Guatemalan children. Ploeg says,"We went on this trip to Guatemala with intentions of helping a remote village build a church. Not only did we do that,we also were able to bond with all these kids. It was a great experience.We went with"our"plan in mind.God,however, had other plans ." ezet7;4 et rie t