2007 Miracle Yearbook
7 his year,Cedarville University once again proved the quality of its academics and academic organizations. From Pi Epsilon Omega to Chi Delta Epsilon to the Accounting Society,every academic field found a way to serve each other and the community outside ofthe classroom.Some ofthe memorable events produced by these orgs were the Christian Nurses Association'sfun display atthe Organizational Fair, Psi Kappa Theta's bonfire at Dr. Dolph's house,and the Freshman Hula Hoopla hosted by the Student CEOs.One brand new organization,Women in Business,was extremely popular among thefemale business students.When asked about herfavorite Women in Business event,freshman Amanda Graves said,"1 really enjoyed going outto lunch in Columbus and then going to see the Nutcracker. Having some girl time and meeting fellow business students wasso much fun!"Meanwhile,the Sport Management Organization attended a career fair in Cleveland and assisted its members in finding internships for the summer. In February,the ForensicsTeam won the recent Appalachian Swing Tournament at Ohio University in Athens,and Psi Kappa Theta members learned more about Schizophrenia through a trip to Kettering. As always, the MERCYTeam provided valuable supportto students with disabilities at Cedarville. Clearly,students at Cedarville regarded the use oftheir academic gifts and talents to help others as an extremely profitable service,and many students used the various Academic Organizations as their way to share their passion for their academic field and their faith with the rest ofthe world. The Academic Professional Organizations were busy this year with their various projects and outreach programs to the community.Some ofthe organizations that fit under this category include the Society of Automotive Engineers,Epsilon Omega,the Health and Fitness Organization,and Omega Mu.One group in particular,the Music Educators National Conference/ National Society of Music Educators(MENC),was extremely active during the school year.Their main event ofthe year was organizing the Christmas Chapel,which featured a handbell choir,Scripture reading by music faculty, special music groups comprised of music majors,and congregational carol singing.Jennifer Guth,secretary for MENC,said,"The student body enjoyed the Christmas Chapel,and MENC loved planning it! We hope to be asked to dolt again sometime."In addition,Students in Free Enterprise(SIFE) had a very busy year filled with projects that reached out to both prospective and current Cedarville students as well as the community.Some ofthese projects included Personal Finance Day;Real Money,Real World;Ready,Sell, Dough; and Business Day.Another organization,the American Society of Mechanical Engineers,catered to Cedarville'sfreshmen engineering students and provided networking and social occasions for these students. Finally,the Society for Technical Communicators met regularly to hear speakersfrom the technical communication field and to learn.valuable skills outside ofa classroom setting. All ofthese organizations'outside experiences helped their membersto gain valuable skills and to further their passion for their academic field. EATING CONTEST 10. Katie Yahara, Michelle Graeffand Amy Dennis promote their org(HAFA)by encouraging healthy eating,starting with watermelons!Amy recalls that during the contest"one kid choked and another guy stopped,gave him the Heimlich,and, then continued eating to win the contest.It was incredible!' While in Ukraine with SIFE,Dan Jaquery takes a break from learning the language to pose with his host familY. While handbells are a staple around Christmas,at the Music Educator's National Conference they are a blessing all year roundl
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