2007 Miracle Yearbook

Professor Jeff Guernsey shows off his wonderful team headed for Ukraine.The team is comprised of membersfrom SIFE as this trip is for business,not pleasure... or maybe both. P STC(Society for Technical Communication)members Lindsay Lehmann,Anna Hayes,Brynn Paine,Adam Evans,Erin SanGregory,Andrew Powell,and Katie Marburger take a break from the more techinical aspects of life to enjoy each other's company. •Amy Dennis and Katie Yahara display a sign for the Health and Fitness group (HAFA)atthe Org Fair. Amy,who is the co-president for this new organization, says,"I know there are students who are concerned about health,and I just hope this org will continue to help and encourage students to take care ofthemselves. This is a great time to set habitsfor the rest ofour lives." Members of MENC(Music Educators National Conference)are seen here entertaining the audience with handbells — one oftheir many unique musical stylings v Lindsay Lehmann,Anna Hayes,Brynn Paine,Adam Evans,Erin SanGregory, Andrew Powell,and Katie Marburger,members ofthe Society for Technical Communication,also known as STC,enjoy dinner off-campus. „ 401