2007 Miracle Yearbook

C rn omunity.Growth.Service.Fun.All ofthese words characterized not only the organization ofSGA itself and what it strove for, but also the officers that made it all happen.Whether out in front ofthe student body or working behind the scenes,the SGA officers worked to represent the Cedarville Community in the greatest capacity possible. This year's SGA officers worked to unite the student body and , nlake the association available and personable to the students. Through weekly poll questions and the SGA mail bag,students Were able to voice their own opinions and questions.The SGA office Continued to become a place where students could interact with the officers and break down the barriers between SGA and the student body. Each year,SGA is faced with the challenge of bringing new and exciting issues to an ever-changing student body.A focus this year was placed on improving what was already in place. Forums ranging from dorm renovations,campus safety,dress code,and everything 10 between gave students an opportunity to voice their concerns 6nd ideas and interact with the faculty and staff to continually InVrove student life at Cedarville. No organization can function without a dedicated and hard- Working team of leaders.The 2006-2007 SGA officers led not only their own organization but the whole student body towards Christ- centered community. A Brittany Donald,SGA e President, uses all her mightto hold down an ice cream bucket as she helps serve students during Mrs.Brown's birthday party that SGA put on in the lower-level SSC. • Mark Hershey,this year's SGA student body chaplain,dives into a vat ofchocolate ice cream.Either the ice cream was very hard or else he was a bit confused. Maybe Mark should stick to knitting. SGA Council gathers for a group shot.Jeff Beste,Ashley Hunter, Gabe Coyle,Stephen Sylvester,Ann Felix, Kara Robertson,Jessica Forsythe,Luke Seelye,Brittany Donald,Carl Ruby,Sara Hayes,and Kirsten Gibbs all faithfully served the student body this year. • Every year SGA advisor Kirsten Gibbs builds relationships with the Council members,like Kara Robertson,who served as Organizations Director this year. FF1 ERS Repitetteseting ced.sidi./