2007 Miracle Yearbook

-1111111• O n February9and 10, Li'l Sibs Weekend kicked spring semester into high gear with events,activities,and entertainment.With the campus over- flowing with little siblings,cousins,and parents,families got an inside look at the life of a Cedarville student."I really enjoyed having my brother here since we don't see each other very much. It was a great time to hang out,have him meetsome of myfriends,and to get to know what CU is like,"said freshman Chris Williams. The weekend started off with a special SGA Chapel geared towards the visiting sibs. During the day,little sibs had the opportunity to go to classes,see the play You'rea Good Man Charlie Brown, and experience college life."It wasfun having my li'l sib, Becky,stay with mefor the weekend and have her experience college life with me.It wasfunny watching her reaction to the basketball game and the lines at Chuck's,"said freshman Sarah Murphy. Friday night was packed with late night activities such as roller skating, bowling,and the Alpha Chi Talent Show.Saturday wrapped up the weekend with he Li'l Sibs Fest, Men's and Women's Basketball games,and a showing ofthe ovie Cars. No matter the age ofthe sibling,there was something for everyon o choosefrom and have fun."My favorite part wasjust really welcoming my brother into the University family. All of myfriends encouraged him to come to the events and made him feel loved.Having my brother here was like my home finally being complete.'Home'and'Cedarville'blessings were perfectly blended," said sophomore Jessica Peck. Overall, Li'l Sibs Weekend proved not only to be a weekend offun and entertainmentfor the visiting sibs but also a much-needed taste of homefor the students. n Freshmen John Stevenson and Kyle Hess along with little brothers, , Tim and Kevin, celebrate after inflicting a hell- lating defeat on their siblings. i The Jackson Five have the time oftheir lives as Brittany and Brent Jackson goofoff with their visiting younger siblings. Freshman Kelly Panktatz and crew enjoy the Yellow Jackets basketball game as the weekend comes to a close.