2008 Miracle Yearbook

::c 0 7 m n 0 7 ;!: . . . . . . CU "Under the Big Top" made its debut at Alumni Homecoming on October 5-6 this year, featuring a three-ring circus of fun, excitement, and the ability to reunite with old friends. All the classic elements of homecoming combined with over 600 alumni families made for a weekend full of "great opportunities for alumni to come back to campus and reconnect with their friends and what is going on around campus." (Alise Merrin, Sophomore, Alumni Relations Office) Homecoming served as an opportunity for alumni to catch up with each other, attend reunions, and maybe even "take you back to a time when you were someone else - someone you almost forgot about." (Jill McClain, Class of 1987) Homecoming brings back people whose only connection to each other may be Cedarville. For some it's a time to see "those certain ones that you can be away from for years and, when you get back together, it is like no time at all has passed (McClain)." It was an action-packed weekend filled with canoe races, soccer and volleyball games, reunions, a parade, and play performances that created ''fun for the whole family, " (McClain) and more than just a trip down memory lane. A time for reconnecting with your college days became so much more with the excitement and atmosphere of Homecoming 2007. Alumni gave "CU Under the Big Top" two thumbs up! " Holly Israel and I definitely did not mind riding in a convertible on such a beautiful fall morning!" (Baxter Stapleton, freshman attendant) " I offered pieces of cotton candy to spectators, but they were disappointed when they saw it wasn' t real! " (Emily Kraft, junior) '-·(Q r- e -, m =· (I) c.. 0 D> - · -, ,.... (I) ,, ~ "' m m :;, ttJ '< 0 3 S" 3 a, CT ,:, 3 0 =- CT::, m (I) c.. "C 2- ~ "' ;:::.:= -::r 0 ,.... ::, -:r ttJ (I) (I) g, 6i -::r -::r (I) 0 -, "' (Q ,.. :::;· D> vi :i -· 0 ::, D> ,...~ -::r - (I) I. 0 O (d 3 • - (I) - 0 ...... 0 g> 3 ::, -· c.. ::, _ _ (Q ,- ~ D> D> cil "' (I) D> _::J I I