2008 Miracle Yearbook

~ 0 % m % < 0 rrm -< a, J>-- rr- ''VOLLEYBALL TO ME THIS YEAR WAS A ROLLER-COASTER IN EVERY ASPECT OF THE SPORT. I HAD TRIALS SPIRITUALLY, PHYSICALLY AND EMOTIONALLY BUT OVER ALL GOD JUST USED ALL OF THAT TO BRING ME TO MY KNEES IN REMEMBRANCE THAT HE IS IN CONTROL OVER EVERYTHING." -AMY GARNER, SOPHOMORE "EACH TEAM AMD EACH GAME WE PLAYED WILL MOSTLY FADE FROM MEMORY, BUT WHAT WE DID FOR THE LORD AMD THE DEEP BONDS OF FRIENDSHIP FORMED WILL LONG BE REMEMBERED." ....JUSTINE CHRISTIAANSE, SOPHOMORE The girls open in prayer on their last home game of the year. This game also acted as senior night recognizing Sarah Zeltman. "I' ll never forget the questions by fans and refs, recognizing that we seemed different than other teams. It presented such a great opportunity to witness about the real reason we play volleyball." (Kylee Husak, freshman) "We were a young team, and it was rough learning to play together. However, God blessed our efforts, and we had many exciting victories and He taught us about Himself along the way." (Libby Short, junior)