2008 Miracle Yearbook

Believe it or not, the SGA officers make house calls. Here they are shown visiting Dan and witnessing his amazing progress. _D.AH KNUOSEH While on a MIS trip to Mexico, Cedarville University student Dan Knudsen suffered a spinal cord injury on March 9th, 2007. This injury has left Dan wheelchair-bound, but regular updates from the family (and even Dan himself) assure us that Dan is doing well and finding ways to adjust to a new lifestyle. Dan continues to encourage his family and friends as well as Cedarville University students, faculty, and staff. Dan's love for the people of Mexico has not changed: Mexico's flag still hangs in his room. Dan continues to suffer from muscle spasms and soreness. He has been seeing specialists in the field of spinal cord injuries to pursue other avenues of treatment. The Knudsen family is in the process of building a home to best accommodate Dan's needs. Dan is making plans to return to Cedarville in the fall of 2008. In order to help make this possible, the graduating class of 2008 chose to remodel a men's dorm room to make it handicap accessible. Dan inspired this project, and the room, once finished , will be available to him when he returns. "We wanted to give the university a gift that would change the lives of Dan and the many other male students that will benefit from the room. I love Dan and am looking forward to having him back at Cedarville! I am honored to be a part of getting him back here." (Brittany Donald, senior class president) 'TM THRILLED TO HEAR THAT DAM IS OM CAMPUS AND DOING WELL." -BRITIANY DONALD, SENIOR C .,, C ...