2010 Miracle Yearbook

EDITOR'S PAGE k CONCLUSION... 1, 9 " • * 0 woulda eve1 un.k _ It's . It's kind of mind-numbing (or me to think back to Ireshman year len I was envisioning the three yearbooks I'd be responsible (or producing. Feels like it was yesterday- d forever ago at the same time. Working on the yearbook in this capacity has been more challenging an anticipated, but definitely more enjoyable and more beneficial as well. It's amazing how much I've trued (occasionally through the art of"make-it-work (-: ), and how much I've gained from working with many great people in all areas on campus through so many different avenues. di- I can't thank you enough for your help, guidance, and encouragement over the past 4 years. You're incredible advisor in the way you balance being both a leader and a friend. Thank you for amusing my iculous ideas over the years and finding patience in my times when I needed to learn. Oh yah, and the bakes- LOVE the no bakes! Brenhy- my #2. Geez, you've pretty much been here through it all.., my st and worst, and through the yearbook highs and lows. Thanks for stickin with me and always being dependable. I'm confident in handing over the Editor-in-Chief reins to you. I can't wait to see what you me up with! I'm sure all the jokes we've shared during our sleep-deprived pizza worknights will always remembered. Trevor- You have been such an amazing help! From helping translbrm all our ideas and scriptions into something tangible we could use, and continuing to teach me fun tricks in InDesign- u've been incredible! Thanks for always being willing to tackle a project and make it happen... even o the summer :-) Ashley- You orchestrated such a talented, dependable staff this year. Truly, this year is year I felt the most confident that things were getting done and pictures would be where I needed them en the time came for them. That's all thanks to your leadership, talent, and organization. Thank you! •en in the midst of your intense nursing schedule, thank you tbr always being in contact and for being a ge impact on the final product! Erin. you'rejob is definitely one that gets underestimated as SO much of lat I have to do and get accomplish depends first on you making something happen. It's stressful and it es experience to understand how it all works, who to contact for what, etc., but you've done an azing job. Brent will benefit SO much from your hard work,organization, and know-how.Thanks for Nuys being available and willing to go the extra mile! anks to all ofthose who have made my time Cedarville so incredible...Printy 26-2S, Printy 14- 1 6, my 9-11, MUF'09-'10, OneVoice, my yearbook staffover the years, my Australia and Europe MIS ms,my fabulous casts, APO,my ELLIV acts,SGA '09-'10, Dorothy, eryone else who brought Lich fun,enjoyment,and encouragement to the last lour y f m VAN)