2010 Miracle Yearbook

DEDICATION Nothing brings Mrs. Hamerjoy quite like her little red- haired granddaughter Sarah. Always classy, Sandi for her 1964 senior portrait. M ost students probably know her as the professor who stops in their freshman Composition class to tell them about the benefits of having a Technical and Professional Communication(TPC)major. With a passion for the major, Sandi Harner serves as senior professor of English and TPC"mom." Mrs. Harner started the TPC program herself and has remained its foundation. She stays connected to the professional field by serving on the Society for Technical Communication in various roles through the years, including the Board of Directors and advisor for the Cedarville student STC chapter. She was also named a Fellow of STC in 2001. More than her passion for technical communication, Mrs. Harner has a passion for her students. She enjoys giving her students academic, spiritual, and personal advice. Sometimes she fancies herself a bit of a match- maker and loves to see TPCers couple up. Mrs. Harner has served as academic advisor for every TPC graduate to go through the program, and she keeps contact with many of them well after graduation. Current students often hear the stories of what her graduates are doing. Students also enjoy hearing stories of the greates love in Mrs. Harner's life, her family. She can talk for hours about Don Harner and his latest exploits on the farm, or Zach and Jacob's visit the other day, or just how cute Sarah is. No question about it, Mrs. Harner loves her family. Sandi Harner graduated from Cedarville in 1964, and she will be the first to tell you that i was only by God's grace and a small miracle that she was here. She married Don Harner four years later. They have two children, Scott and Amy. Mrs. Harner stays active in her church, Faircreek serving as an adult Sunday school leader and drama production extraordinaire. Between all of this, Mrs. Harner spend her free time scrapbooking and drinking fine coffee. She roasts and grinds her own coffee beans before making coffee in her French press. She loves to travel as well and has even taken Cedarville students on recent trips to both Germany and Greece. You should see the scrapbooks from those trips. Her daughter Amy says it best:"She gives so freely and completely of her time and energy t all aspects of her life: her family, her job, her students, and her professional pursuits!"