2010 Miracle Yearbook

tudent Government Association—headed by Peter Brandt as President and Clara Gebert as Vice President—is full of social, outgoing, helpful students. "...if you plan on running, you best be sociable! Use every opportunity in your first month to meet as many people as possible," states a veteran. And it certainly is necessary. This year SGA had a part in planning events like Moonlight Madness,the New Student Talent Show, and, of course, the infamous Elliv. The officers ofSGA have a heart of Christ and for students, serving both in all they plan and do. With the enthusiasm of Peter Brandt and the training of Clara Gebert, the 2009-2010 SGA officers were able to have an amazing year serving the student body. It was a sad day when the SGA officers of 2009-2010 said their goodbyes, but they paved a road for the new officers to make an impact on the student body the next year. SGA ACTIVITIES Mike Willia4 and Nate Bell sit down with Peter Brandt and .! Chris Gehmaato have a little chat about the goint!-ons ofCedarville. 4\-- Zach Seelye and Erin Gollihue lead s,t dents in worship. . nd DOE, Lye to those i need, ts to donate