2012 Miracle Yearbook
While Heartsong generally travels to churches,here they take the time to lead our own student body in a time of worship. C edarville University's main touring team is HeartSong. HeartSong is a music group comprised of three teams: the orange team,the green team, and the blue team.A spin-off of HeartSong is HeartSong Generation, also broken down into two smaller groups:the red team and the yellow team. The HeartSong groups blend music, Scripture, and life stories under the lead- ership of Jim Cato. The HeartSong teams travel constantly during the year, visiting churches on weekends during the semester. In the summer,HeartSong travels to camps throughout the United States, ministering through music to the camps. Team mem- bers stay in the homes of church members and have the opportunity to minister through their music and also through their personal interactions with the congrega- tion. HeartSong Generation focuses their ministry more on students and on the youth, the "Next Generation." The music and content of HeartSong Generation's worship ministry is tailored more to a younger crowd, equipping them for ser- vice for Christ. This year, the HeartSong groups released their eighth album, enti- tled "HeartSong Live." The album was available through Cedarville's bookstore and through iTunes. To help promote their latest release, the HeartSong teams joined together in a chapel service.Jim Cato took a brief moment to encourage students to "let go of everything but God," providing a per- sonal example of his own father's death and release of worldly pursuits. Through this special chapel service, Cedarville students saw the ministry of HeartSong in action. As the teams headed off for their summer engagements, students were asked to pray for everyone that would come into contact with the touring teams.
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