2012 Miracle Yearbook
clionors&Convocation Fouryearsofacademicacheivementdeservesa little bitofrecognition. cAr s a "Christ-centered learning community,"Cedarville University purposed to provide a quality education and emphasized academics as a means of growth in the whole person. Many students, from their first class as a freshman to their last exam as a senior, took this endeavor seriously and earned aca- demic accolades for their hard work. During an honors-day chapel, several students received awards and scholar- ships for their academic performance. For seniors, academic performance was also demonstrated at commence- ment through honor cords. Students graduating with academic honors wore a gold cord with their cap and gown — one cord as "honor" for a grade point average of 3.5 or better, two cords as "high honor" for a grade point average of 3.75 or better, and three cords as "highest honor" for a grade point average of 3.9 or better. Some departments hosted special convocation ceremonies in addition to commencement to recognize and honor their graduates, often allowing for presentations of senior projects and a reception for friends and family. For those students pursuing a mili- tary career through ROTC as well as their Cedarville degree, a commis- sioning ceremony culminated the completion of their military training and marked their entry into the US Military Officer Corps. To attend one of these special ceremonies, receive an honors-day award, or wear honor cords at graduation proved the end of four years of hard work and a much- deserved token of appreciation.
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